
Can I talk to you for a minute?

Lottie’s POV
I heard the door creak open and I jolted awake. I saw Lynd-z at the door.
‘Hi Charlotte, can I talk to you for a minute?’ she smiled, but in a sickly sweet way.
“Yeah, sure...” I muttered noticing she’d not apologised for waking me up or scaring me.
“Thanks.” She walked across the room, her chunky heels clonking and squeaking against the lino floor. She sat down in the chair next to my bed and pulled up closer to me.
“So, how are you?” she asked, smiling again.
“Ok thanks.” Actually I still rather painful and sore in some place, but I wasn’t on a comfortable level with her yet to share that information, and I doubt I ever will be.

“Where’s the baby now?”
“She’s having a check up since she was born early. They’re making sure she’s ok and that she can come home soon.”
Lynd-z frowned.
“But where are you living?”
“Mikey’s house. I’m staying with him and Alicia until Ray’s better.”
I’d been told late last night about Ray by a doctor. Bob was staying with him, but he had been to see my baby and Mikey said he’d sat with me in the night for a bit while I was asleep. I was soo happy Ray was awake, and I could sorta see why Bob would want to stay with him rather than me. Ray was still in critical condition, I was fine. Plus, Bob loved Ray soo much; he’d choose him over anybody in the world.

Mikey had came up with the idea that I’d stay with him and Alicia. There was lots of room in Mikey’s house and it would give me some space from Frank.
“Charlotte...have you...decided on what you’re going to do with the baby?” Lynd-z asked completely out of the blue. I got a little angry.
“Excuse me!”
“Do you know what you’re going to do with the baby? Because me and Gerard can’t have children and we were wondering...”
“Who the fuck do you think you are!?” I burst out much to Lynd-z’s surprise. “I’ve just had a baby, my daughter, my flesh and blood, and you’re asking me if you can have it! My child is not a possession!” I got up out of bed.
“What gives you the right to come in here, not even a day after my baby’s been born, and ask to have my baby! And even if I was going to give my child up for adoption, which I’m not!” I screamed, “What makes you soo fucking special that you think you should get her!? Do you think you’re putting fucking first dibs on her?! Well I’ll tell you one thing...Aaaah!” I started shaking and sweating. My eyes rolled back and I fell back onto the bed.