This Resurrection

Chapter Three

The silence of the night ceased as the loud shouting began. Threatens were evident against the wooden-made walls and the shreiking enveloped the cold night’s atmosphere.

Alexender Bartholomew was dragged out of the little palace he called home, onto the dried soil of the earth. The men started kicking him and punching him and in the background he heard the screams of his wife begging for them to stop.

His surroudnings began to become blurry, his head spinning like a top. He felt the pain jolt from his abdoment, he tried to contain it. He bent over slightly in his laid down form, trying to easy the pain of the foot that was just impaled on his stomach. He knew this day would come, he knew one day the rest would definitely find them. But the couple was prepared, prepared for what should happen if one of them had to go.

A few days earlier, Alexander and Eva had ventured deeper into the forest to find a potions master, a witch to help them be together in life and death.

The witch had ordered him to cut in the middle of his palm, straight out, and let the blood drip onto a satin white cloth. The same thing was told to Eva as well, and she obeyed. With the pure white satin tainted with loved crossed sacrifice, the witch chanted something inaudible to them. Once done, she handed them back the cloth and told them;

“If any one of you dies, you’d be able to resurrect the other so you can be together for eternity. No one will be able to stop you. No one will be able to deny you.”

Back to the present, the faint sobbings of Sybil Eva Audovera was still heard. She had been brought back to her house, the one she had left to elope with Alexender. She was also arranged to be married the very next day, just so she didn’t have any more reasons to take off. That was what her father thought.

Alexender Bartholomew’s body laid lifeless as soil started covering him. The people responsible for his death were burrying his body, only a feet below ground, and leaving the place unmarked so no one could comply what had happened.

As the family of the man that was to be the new husband of Eva came, they found something amiss. They had came to the door with no one greeting them, the first strange sign for the house of Audovera. The representative of the group headed in first, to check if everything was alright, leaving the rest behind. It was unusually quiet inside the house, no sign of the maids or butlers running around busily in preparation of the ceremony.

The representative then saw a trail of blood leading into one of the upper floor rooms. He followed the trail which finally ascended on the bedroom. The blood splatter on the door was already dried as he left his skin to touch it. He squeaked open the door; the room only covered in blood with no body to be found.

It turned out the night before, Eva had made her leave on the house. That is by killing her father first. With the help of two bulky men, the ones that killed Alexander, she made her way back to the site of the burrial with the body of her father.

“We can’t do this anymore,” Cried one of the smaller ones out of the two, “We don’t care how much you give us, we’re leaving this place.”

With that, the two scrambled away as fast as they could.

She shook her head, tears staining her features. She dug, she didn’t give up, until she hit something. It was Alexander, his body still fresh. She quickly got the satin cloth out and placed it on Alexender’s chest. She recited;

“I vow to never break you heart,
I vow never to leave you,
I vow, we never be torn apart,
And now I resurrect you”

At the very second, the eyes of Alexender Bartholomew opened wide. He was alive again.

“Eva.” Was his first word and she enveloped him into a hug. His hands wandered around her waist and he tightened the grip around her.

She tilted her head back a little, just so she could see his face once more. Alexander was alive again and he looked the part. But there was something, something different. His eyes held a different colour, those of dark yellow ones. He acted like how he used to, and they stared at each other for a moment. He was Alexender again.

But then a little doubt was tugging at her heart, was this actually happening? She stared back into those eyes and a fraction of her thought that those eyes held a mysteriously sinister glint in them.
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