This Resurrection

Chapter Four

As months passed, Eva grew more and more aware that what she ressurected wasn’t Alexender anymore. It was some.. thing. A creature that thirsted for blood and violence. A creature that had been living off her ever since he came back.

Slowly, she started to disbelieve, she handed her faith to god, praying that he would not hurt her. He did not however, it was just his nature, a nature which looked like he could do anything to her if he wanted to.

“Don’t you love me anymore?” Questioned the velvety voice as Alexender glided from the shadowy end of the room. Eva was startled, thinking that she was the only one in the dark room. She looked up from her bed, the dark yellow eyes staring at her as if pleading.

“Get away from me.” Eva made that statement clear. She didn’t want to be bothered by him, something that isn’t real. Something she didn’t believe in.

As those words escaped her lips, his dark shadow dissapeared. Long and hard she prayed that he wouldn’t come back again but he would, every day. He pleaded with her, he wanted her to love him. But his characteristics now have changed. He was the hunter of everything with flesh. He killed to live. And he was living off her spirit- for now.

Eva finally gathered up enough courage to kill Alexender. She held a dagger in her hands and chanted a few prayers. She called out to him, her silky voice illuminated the room’s silence. Alexender once again appeared from the shadows looking pleased that she had called onto him. He wanted her to want him and now is the right time to get his hopes up.

He went up close to her, his arms snaking around her waist, claiming her as his. He leaned down, ready to plant a chaste kiss on her lips when he felt his abdomen being torn open. His eyes widened as he looked down. The dagger now impaled on his stomach as he withered down to a slow death.

Eva smiled. That was the end of Alexender Bartholomew.


A few months later, she got married to a village man. They fell in love through the course of the marriage, she was already havily pregnant by the end of the first year of marriage. At seven months, her husband, Matthew Blacwin, was sent off for war, leaving her alone in the house filled with history.

“Be careful,” Eva adviced, hugging her husband, “I’ll be expecting you back.”

He nodded and smiled, planting one last kiss on his wife then left.

Eva looked out into the dense forest where the vision of Blacwin had faintly dissapeared to. Her heart ached. Someone she had finally came to terms with in the sense of love- now gone. She knew he would never come back. This was the war. She wasn’t going to get her hopes up anymore.

Then she saw him.

“Eva… ”
♠ ♠ ♠
we're not all we're made out to be.