Sister Jonas

Tied Together With A Smile

The next morning I woke up, the only one in the bunk room. I sighed and grabbed my suit case. I didn't care If I looked like crap, i felt like it so I'm going to show it. I tippyed toed out the area and found Kevin and Frankie sitting there. They looked up and jumped up, hugging me. I sighed and shrugged out of there hug.

"Can we just go?" I asked, my voice cracking.

Frankie grabbed my hand and his suit case. Kevin nodded his head and grabbed his car keys. I went around and lightly kissed Nick, Joe, Alice, Mom, and dad on the cheeks goodbye.. for now. Big Rob was waiting by the door. We walked out as Frankie cuddled close to me. It was really cold out side. We hoped into the car. I had left a note for my mom, really, only my mom. I wrote:

I'm going home, Frankie's coming with me. He refused to stay. I know I messed up, but I'm going to try to make it better. I promise, please believe that. I'm sorry I broke my promise and broke my heart. I'm a slut? Happy Nick! I said it. Anyways. I love you with all my heart, just know that. Frankie will be okay, I really don't know if I will. I called Demi and she will be staying at the house, at least you can trust here. Hm, I guess I have to go. I will see you in a couple of months. Oh yea Kevin and Big Rob are taking us to the airport. We love you.
-Victoria Jonas..,

I sighed as Frankie layed across my lap, Kevin sitting next to me, and Big Rob standing behind us. Kyle was there and it was scaring me. Poperotcie had gotten here and were attacking the airport security guards, trying to get it.

"You know you don't have to leave, we can work this out. I can teach Kyle his les-" Kevin started, but my phone rang. I didn't bother to look at who was calling.

"Hello?" I asked, as I ran my hand through Frankie's hair and as he played with my hair.

"Tori?" Nick asked.

I narrowed my eyebrows, "What?"

"Don't leave..." He said, he sounded closer then usual.

"No one wants me there so I'm leaving. I'm sorry Nicolas." I snapped my phone shut.

"Ouch..." Kevin said.

Yes I never called Nick by his real name, unless I was pissed. I was pissed, at my self and the hurt I caused my family.

I felt someone wrap there arms around my shoulders. I jumped a little.

"Please don't leave..." Alice's voice rang.

I looked down at Frankie, "Now you decide to talk to me?"

She let go of the hug and sighed, "Look i know I have been a jer-"

I stood up after Frankie sat up. I turned to face her. She had puffy eyes from crying. I looked her dead in the eye, "God Alice. You were my best friend, you know the girl who was there for me through whatever."

"I-I-I I know that and it was wrong of me to do that to you." She said as my whole family appeared.

I looked at them and fell to my knees. Ignoring there presents.

"We can work this out." Joe whispered. "Where here for you Tori."

I didn't bother to look up, but I mumbled into my knees, "You weren't there last night, or the night I left, or the night I needed you.", I pulled my face out of my knees and looked at them, all of them, "Kevin was the only one there. The first to actually cut me some slack. But all of you just stood there, calling me a slut," Nick looked down and shoved his hands into his pockets, "Grounding me for life, for something I didn't mean to do. For ignoring me. And most of all.", I paused, "For not being family."

Last call for Flight 234 to Los Angeles, California

I sighed and picked up my bags as so did Frankie, "Your staying here Frank."

He looked up and shocked his head, "No."

I looked over to Kevin and he grabbed Frankie and held him as he tried to get out of his grasp. I looked over to them and smiled, leaving my family, for a while. I looked behind me as I was about to aboard the plain. Seeing Frankie, crying into Kevin's shoulder, Nick and my dad staring off into space. Alice crying into Joe's chest as he looked towards me and rubbed her back. My mom looked down once I glanced to her.

Again, Last call for Flight 234 to Los Angeles, California. Last call.

I sighed and turned around, stepping onto the plane.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hmm:] What ya think. Welcome my new subscribers, i got 4! Yay!:]

Comment Replies

lancercrazy19;; Haha okay! Its good I know I'm not the only one!
And to your confusion, yes yes it was:], Thank you for the idea!!

NicoChick2263;; yea he gives me the creeps also, even though I made him up. Hehe. Thanks for commenting it means a lot.;; Haha I know I'm so dramatic.