Sister Jonas

All I have

Its been a couple months and my life just got worse. News! I'm pregnant. Yea. I can't believe it either. It scares me.

Beep Beep Beep

I sighed and rolled over, slamming my hand on my alarm clock. I forgot why I set that alarm clock. Then it hit me.

"Demi!" I yelled running down the stairs.

She jumped off the couch, holding her stomach. She simply smiled, "What?"

"My brothers are coming back today. I'm not ready to see them. I mean look at this!" I pointed to my stomach which was not bloated at all, apparently. "And and and! Demi. I can't face my parents. Especially my dad. I mean I've already crushed my moms heart. Nick and Joe still wont talk to me. Alice still wont even return me calls, even though she calmed she wasn't mad at me. The only reason I am excited for them coming home. Is that Kevin and Frankie are going to be with me, through it all." I took a deep breath "Awe ma-"

Demi laughed, "Calm down girlie. Just get changed in something comfortable. Today should be a good day. Don't worry. If things go wrong. Well do what Selena, you, and I have planed. Well just get a house. Just us girls, and the beautiful thing thats going to enter our lives soon." she touched my stomach.

I took a deep breath, "Fine." I walked upstairs and went in my closet, grabbing out this:
I quickly jumped into the shower, washing my hair and brushed my teeth. I jumped out and slipped my clothing on, after applying lotion. I walked out of my bathroom, brushing my hair. Where I was dangerously surprised.

"Kevin! Frankie!" I yelled out.

They both smiled. "Tori!"

I quickly took them both in a long hug.

"There's something different about you." Kevin said.

Frankie's eyes widen as he touched my stomach. I smiled and ran my hand through his hair.

"Oh my god." Kevin said, "How far?"

I smiled, "Three mouths. I think."

"Wait until Joe, Nick, Alice, Mom, and Dad find out!" Frankie smiled.

I froze, "Wh-what?"

"Whats wrong?" Kevin asked, rubbing my back.

"They cant know.. I mean. Should they?" I asked, rubbing my stomach.

"They should." Frankie answered.

"No they cant.. They'll hate me even more. Are you two nuts?" By this time I was yelling "They abandoned me for. four whole months! What makes you think I want to tell them something like this. Shut! My best friend will just look at me and shake her head. My two other brothers will just call me a slut, or a hoe. And mom and dad." I fell to the ground, holding my knees to my chest. "I'm only 16." I felt hot tears roll down my cheeks. "I just cant tell them. I don't want them to leave me again. You two are the only family I have left."
♠ ♠ ♠
lancercrazy19:i had to reopen your comment thing lol....
loved the new chapter, its been awhile but its all good. glad your on summer....
wonder whats wrong with her?
update soon, don't leave us hanging =/

Haha yay! Well thank you. Does this chapter help you with your question? :] Don't worry. I plan on updating for a long time tonight:]

mackenzy-kate:I feel so bad for her. Great Chapter. Update soon!

Hey!!! Thank you for commenting:]

Thank you for your comments:]<3 My lord! I feel blessed right now! 10 stars!!! :] Thank you my new subscribers:]

Who would you want Victoria's love interest to be? Just comment the name of the person, and you might just get it:] <3