Sister Jonas

Starting off with a new day


I sat there and listened to my brothers go one about there tour. To be honset I dident care, I was just glad they were home. I nodded my head to everything they said and smiled at times. They have been going on for hours! And when I say hours, I mean hours! Frankie was sitting in my lap, playing with my hand. I rested my chin on his shoulder and kissed his cheek. My favorite brother, out of all of them, really. Frankie is just different from Kevin, Joe, and Nick. Don't get me grong. I love my all my brothers to death! But frankie, hes just been there you know? And hes deep! Tottally deep. Frankie looked at me and smiled. "Are you listening to them?" He whispered in my ear.

I laughed a silent laughed, "Nope. Why?"

"Because they have been saying your name for the last 3 minutes." Frankie smiled.

I looked up at my other three brothers, to see them playfully glaring at me. I simply smiled and looked back at my feet.

"If you want us to stop yacking away. Just tell us Tory." Joe smiled.

I shock my head no, "Im just happy your guys are home."

"You know what I just noticed?" Kevin said.

"What?" I asked.

"You never pay attention to use when we talk about the tour or our carrer." Kevin smiled.

"Shut up. I do!" I smiled.

"Really?" Joe laughed.

Nick smacked them in the head, "Shut up guys!"

"Whoa." Frankie smiled.

Okay let me tell you something about my brothers.
Frankie - Loves me the most.
Nick - Cares about me the most.
Joe - Worries about me the most.
Kevin - All of the other three, combind.

I got up and ran up to my room, acadently slamming my door. I heard foot steps comming up and a light knock on my door.

"Tory..." Kevins voice rang.

I ran around the room looking for something to change into, I grabbed my bag and put my camera, cell phone, ipod, and credit card in it.

I smiled and changed into this:


I grabbed my car keys and walked to the door and creeked it open, I sniffled a little. I was a good actress.

"Frankie... Come please." I sniffed, smiling.

Frankie looked up, with concern in his eyes and glared at his brothers and came in. I closed the door and smiled.

"Okay you dork. I want you to go change really quick, and come back in the room. I am taking you and the other dorks out today." I smiled.

Frankie's eyes light up with joy, "Oh! Can I get a webkins?" He asked, bouncing.

I giggled, "Of course you can mister, now go."

He jumped and ran out the door, slamming it. I walked to the door and locked it. I then made my way to my window, and climbed out it. I jumped down and walked to my car.


I hopped in and turned the car on so were it dident run but it plyed music. I put the cd on Demi's new cd and started to play it. I turned it on to TrainWreak. I sat in the car and waited until the two songs were done. I turned the car on and took my phone out and called the house.

"Hello?" My mom awnserd.

"Hey Mommy. Can you put Frankie on the phone." I smiled.

"Tory! Of course hunny, why are you sitting in your car though?" She laughed.

"Im taking the boys out for a bonding time." I said.

"Oh. Okay here he his." My mom said, "TORY!" Frankies voice said.

I laughed, "Come on buddy, I'll let you sit in front, get the boys too." I could basically here him smile as he hung up the phone. Moments later the boys came out. Frankie let the boys in first and he got in front. I rose the seat for him and made it go as far back as possiable.

"So what we doing today?" Kevin said.

"We are having a sister and brother bondage today. First shopping then the disney fair. We are meeting Alice there, and Danellia." I smiled.

Kevins face light up. I smiled and pulled out of the drive way.

Today will be fun
♠ ♠ ♠
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- Kitty