Sister Jonas

Junk food

That day I sat in my room, blasting music, chowing on ice cream and soda. Nick, Alice, Frankie, and Joe where with me. Kevin, my mom, and my d- father where down stairs talking. I feel so frustrated and depressed. I have a baby coming. Many people ask me, "what about an abortion." I'm not going to and I never will. Its killing a living thing. Even though I how i have this baby is how I go him or her. It doesn't change anything.

"Victoria." Nick said.

"Hmm." I looked up, taking a big bite of ice cream.

"You need to eat real food. Its not healthy." Alice said, snatching the ice cream from me and walking out the door.

"But I wasn't finished." I whined.

Joe laughed, "Alice and I are going to get some pizza. We'll be back."

I smiled and nodded my head as Joe kissed it. I looked down at Frankie who was laying in my lap and rubbing my stomach. I smiled again and ran my hands through his hair.

"Victoria?" Frankie said.


"Is it a boy or a girl?" He asked.

"I don't know yet. But you'll be the first to know." I smiled, poking Frankie's nose.

He smiled and turned his head to the t.v. I hummed along to the music as Nick sat behind me writing.

I laughed out of no where. For some random reason.

"Whats so funny?" Nick asked, ruffling my hair.

"I don't know." I sighed, taking a deep breath. I closed my eyes then something hit me, "Crud!"

"What?" Nick said, jumping up.

"I forgot I was suppose to meet Lucas!" I whinnied, "I'll just text him to come over."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry its short! :( And not that great... :]


Mrs.Emmett M. Cullen Haha thank you for commenting. I see you just commented this, as a firster... that doesn't make sense! But... Welcome!:]

lancercrazy19 Alright, I'll be waiting for the message!! :] Lol yea. I think I'm going in writers block. But you know! I have some fresh ideas... Okay that was a lie. But hopefully soon! :]