Sister Jonas

This promise is going to be hard to keep

I rolled out of bed a couple days later. I sighed and ran my hands through my hair. I looked around the room, it was rather dark. I sighed and got up, walking over to my curtains, ripping the curtains open. I groaned as the sudden brightness from the morning sun beat against my eyes. There was a light knock at my door. I took a deep breath for a second, letting my eyes adjust. "Come in." I called.

The door opened slowly as Alice walked in. She smiled, "Did you just wake up?"

I returned the smile and nodded me head. "Yes I did."

She sighed, "Sorry..."

I laughed, "Its fine. No need to be sorry Alice."

"If you say so." She replied with a giggle, "So what are we doing today?"

I thought for a second, sitting down on my bed. "Um. I don't know actually. Whatever you want to do I guess."

Oh damn it...

A huge smile spread across Alice's face. She ran into my closet pulling out this:


I laughed as she ran out of the room, "Ill come get you in half -an-hour you better be ready!"

I walked over to my bathroom, taking a shower, and all the morning routine. Once I was done getting dressed I walked down stairs to hear my Dad, mom, and brothers arguing.

"Dad are you out of your mind? Shes only 16." Kevin cried.

"I don't care. I raised a perfect family. We don't need a slut around you boys." My dad snapped.

"Paul. Your taking this over board. Calm down, we can settle this in a different way." My mom said, it sounded like she was crying.

I took a deep breathe as I saw Alice grab onto Joe.

"Dad! You can't kick her out." Joe snapped.

"How is she going to make it?" Nick asked.

I took another breathe and ran back upstairs, slamming the door. I tried to calm my breathing as tears rolled down my face. As they fell I slide against the door. Just wanting to be alone. How did I know my father would be the one to over react. I mean, when people see him out in public hes the perfect father. But when were at home, I'm always the one who gets the bullshit from him. I mean come on!

There was another light knock on my door. I stood up, wanting to open it, but instead I locked it. I quickly grabbed my phone and text Lucas.

To:Lucas Babe :))
Time:9:23 AM
MSG: Hey Lucas... Can I stay over for a while?

I grabbed a suit case and started to throw clothes into it. "Victoria...They're fighting again. I'm scared. Can I come in..." Frankie's voice rang.

I bit my bottom lip. I couldn't let Frankie in, but I had too. He was the only close thing I had left in the family. "Coming Frank." I walked over to the door, just as I opened if for Frankie to walk in my phone vibrated. Frankie walked in and shut the door, locking it behind him.

From:Lucas Babe :))
Time: 9:27 Am
MSG: Of course you can sweetie. Whats going on? :( I'm worried now...

To:Lucas Babe :))
Time: 9:27 AM
MSG: Okay, thank you so much... I'll explain later.

I stuffed my phone in my pocket and looked over at Frankie who was starring at my bags.

"What are you going Tori?" He asked.

I took a deep breathe. What am I supposed to say, 'Oh I'm breaking our promise. I'm leaving you..' Or 'Oh dads kicking me out.' I can't exactly say that.

"I'm just going to away for a little bit. Think you can handle it?" I asked, giving him a hug.

"You promise you'll be back?" He asked, returning the hug.

"I promise." I said, staring out the window.

This promise is going to be hard to keep...
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry its been a while! I'm so happy. I still have readers!
Can I ask you guys something?
The story has been around for almost a year. October 18th is the stories birthday :)
Who thinks they can make me a banner for the story using one of the following in the banner:
Victoria Jonas (What you guys imagine her to look like.)
The Jonas Brothers and the bonus Jonas!
Victoria and Alice (what you guys imagine they look like)
Victoria and Lucas
Victoria and Jonas Family

Be sure to put the story title, story made by, and banner made by somewhere on the banner :D
Thank you guys so much! Much love!