Sister Jonas

Thanks Kevin

I sighed and walked down my drive way after I said good-bye to Frankie. I left without anyone besides him knowing. I promised Frankie I would text the boys and tell them where I am. I took a deep breath of the crisp weather. It was barely 2 o'clock when I left.

From: Lucas Babe :))
Time:2:13 AM
MSG: Hey dove, when you coming?

To:Lucas Babe :))
Time:2:14 AM
MSG: I'm a couple blocks away. I'll try to get there asap.

From:Lucas Babe :))
Time:2:16 AM
MSG: Wait, your walking here? Your brothers couldn't take you?

I sighed and decided not to reply. I was going to tell him later on why I was staying over. I adjusted my bags as a black van came around the corner. Paparazzi. I slipped on my sunglasses as they jumped out of the van and snapped pictures.

"Are you really pregnant?"

"How does it feel to be known as Disney's Slut?"

"Who's the father? Rumor says you don't know."

"Is Lucas the father?"

I bit my lip and pushed my way up the hill and across the street, ignoring the questions shot at me. My phone vibrated.

From: Nick
Time:2:20 AM
MSG: Please come home.

Time:2:20 AM

Time: 2:21 AM
MSG: Why not?

To:Nick, Joe, Kevin
Time:2:22 AM
MSG: I'm not going to live somewhere, where my own father doesn't want me. I'm not going to live my life pretending like nothing is wrong. Plus it would be good for you three. For me not to be near you when I'm known as Disney's Slut. The baby doesn't need the publicity...

Time:2:22 AM
MSG: We'll make it through Tori. We know what happened, we know whats right from wrong. And dad, hes just... just being... Dads just, He loves you.

Time:2:24 AM
MSG: All that matters is you have four brothers that care for you and are willing to do anything to help you. Think of Frankie. You're his best friend.

Time:2:24 AM
MSG: I know Nick and Joe are trying to keep you from leaving. They're going crazy right now. But I want you to do what you feel like you need to do. I love you Victoria and I want you to be safe and happy.

I smiled, "Thanks Kev." I walked up the drive way of Lucas' house, ignoring the paparazzi. Lucas opened the door and grabbed my duffel bag. Pulling me inside, taking me into a warm hug.

"God Tori. You look like shit." Lucas smirked.

I laughed, "Yeah. I know. But listen thanks for letting me stay here. I just can't be there anymore."

He nodded his head, "Anytime. You know I'm here for you." He looked into my eyes and smiled, "Now tell me what happened."

I sighed and began to tell him why I decided to come to him.
♠ ♠ ♠
AH to be honest, I forgot I had a mibba (:
Well I decided to update for you guys! I had to read to remember, Ha. Well I hope you guys still stay tuned because I promise you I'll update tonight again(: