Sister Jonas

Morning sickness and Miley

I feel asleep that same night listening to Lucas go on and on about how he was going to kill paparazzi for even existing. To me, it was rather funny. The next morning I woke up in Lucas' arms. I smiled but something in my stomach cringed. Making me jump u and run into the bath room. My eyes watered as I threw up. I felt a hand rub my upper back as my hair was pulled out of my face.

"Tori..." Lucas said. "Would you like me to get you some water?"

I nodded my head, resting my arm on the toilet, placing my head on my arm and closed my eyes. Taking deep breaths. I sighed as Lucas came back and picked me up off the floor. I scrunched my noise as I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked back at Lucas, his gentle smile rested on his face. "Drink it. You'll feel better."

I laughed, "If you think so." I took a sip of the water as Lucas smirked.

"I know so." I smiled and looked down at my stomach, rubbing it.

"What do you think the baby will be. Girl or boy?" He asked.

I looked back up at him and back down. "I honestly don't know."

He laughed and nodded his head, "Should have guessed."

I rolled my eyes and walked back into his room, digging into my bag grabbing my toothbrush so I could brush my teeth.


From: Miley
Time: 11:37 AM
MSG: Hey sweetheart. How you feeling?

I repositioned myself on the couch looked back at the TV and down to the text message.

Time: 11:39 AM
MSG: I'm okay. Morning sickness. Normal for a pregnant lady. Hah(:

Time: 11:40 AM
MSG: That's not fun at all D:

Time: 11:40 AM
MSG: Yeah I know, but what can you do. What you up to?

Time:11: 42 AM
MSG: Nothing really. Walking to your house right now because Frankie wants me to take him to see you. Plus I haven't seen you in weeks. I miss my Tor-bear. Lmao.

Time: 11:43 AM
MSG: Awhhh Frankie. Ha ha your dumb Miley. Just kidding. But tell me when you get here. Did you ask Lucas to see if it was alright?

Time: 11:44 AM
MSG: Yep! I thought me and him were fighting because of what happened at Demi's party. But I guess were okay now. But I'll be there in ten minutes. Frankie says 'HEY TORI!'

I laughed and shut my phone as Lucas came and sat next to me.

"I'm only letting her come over for you and Frankie." He sighed.

I smiled and laid down placing my head in his lap. "Thank you for everything."

He looked down and moved my hair out of my face. "Of course"
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Ive been SUPER busy lately. With school, moving, etc.
Here's a little update though