Sister Jonas



"Come on Joey! We all know your a girl, take the bra!" I laughed, holding up a bra they had a colorful star on it. Joe huffed and walked out of the store. Leaving three laughing brothers and one sad little sister.

"Oh I think hes mad!" Frankie chuckled.

I smiled and ran out of Victoria Secrets and jumped on JOes back.

"I sowwy." I sniffed, smiling, "Are you mad ae me?" I asked.

"Yes. Now go away." He replied.

"Fine! I will!" I sighed, jumping off his back and dragging me feel back to the store. Soon enough I felt a pair of strong arms slither around my waist and picked me up. I squaeled.

"Okay, I can never be mad at you!" Joe said, kissing my cheek.

You said that we wouldent make it.
Look how far weve come.
So long m heart was breaking.
But now were standing strong.
The things you say that mak-

"Hello there!" I said into my phone, while linking arms with Joe and walking after my other three brothers.

"Hey there beautiful." Roberts voice rang.



I smiled yet again, "Het there Robert, whats up?" I asked.

"Nothing. Are we still on for tonight?" He asked.

"Most defenitally."

"Okay. Cool. I'll pick you up at eight?"


"Okay bye."


I closed my phone to see all my brothers looking at me and Frankie of course, smiling.

"Who was that?" Nick asked.

Oh no. Older brother protection faze!!! LORD!

"Robert..." I mummbled.

"Who?" Kevin asked.

"Robert, the guy Tory's been crushin on sence ninth grade." Frankie smiled.

I laughed and hugged him.

"How come we dident know about this, Robert?" Joe asked, spatting out Robert.

"Becuase you guys never pay attention to Tory. Like when she dies her hair, or cuts it. When she wears something new. Or even when she gets an A on her sience exam. And Tory did tell you guys about Robert... Like ten times." Frankie said.

Oh that was DEEP!


One more hour, one more hour. Come on Victoria!! You can find a something to wear!

I walked into my closet and started to throw stuff around. After about ten minutes of no success. I walked over to mom and dad's room. I knocked lightly.

"Yes?" My moms voice rang.

"Mommy, can you help me?" I asked, pecking me head in.

My mom smiled and stood up, "Of course hunny. With what?"

"With finding an outfit for my date with Robert tonight." I smiled, walking side by side with my mom to my room.

"Okay. So. Let me see...." My mom smiled looking through my clothes.

My mom has known about Robert, her and dad were the first ones to find out. My mom was happy. Dad on the other hand, well dads are just protective. I'll just say that, yea just that. I sat there and watched my mom play football with my cloths. 15 minutes slowly passed when she layed down my outfit. I looked at it and smiled.

"Oh my jonas! Thanks mom! I love you!" I cheered giving her a hug.

"Of course hunny." My mom smiled, walking out of the room.

I quickly changed and did my hair in two lose brads to the side. Letting my median length bangs rest on my face and my layyers reveal thereselves I put a light touch of makeup. Just some eyeliner and foundation. I skipped to the mirror and examend myself. I smiled in satisfactory.


I walked down stairs and sat on the couch next to my four brothers, mom and dad.


I walked back up the steps of my house with Roberts hand in mine. In my other hand, I was holding some starbucks.

"I had fun tonight." I smiled facing him.

"I did too." He laughed.

I smiled and sat there for a second. I can feel someone peeking through the window, burning holes into me and Robert. I looked back at Robert and found him staring at me. I blushed a little, the 8th flipping time I blushed on this date. Roberts face slowly made his way towards mine. I felt his breath on me. Just as the kiss was about the come, the moment I knew that door would fly open. It did.

"Okay, Goodnight Robert!" Nick said.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. I quickly kissed him on the cheek, "Night Robert."

"Goodnight Victoria." He repleyed.

I let go of his hand and walked inside, closing the door behind me and glared at my brother.

"Why did you do that?" I spat.

"So he wouldent kiss you!" Nick awnsered.

"You seriously got to be kidding me!" I said.


"God Nick! Grow up! You don't see me when you come home from a date, when your about to kis the girl. I open the door and ruin the moment!"

"Thats probelly becuase I don't bring my date here, I take her home, to drop her off!"

"Whatever Nick!"

"Why are you so mad?"

"Because! Ugh! You don't understand!"

I turned around and sat down on the couch.

"Whats going on here?" Kevin asked, walking down the stairs, rubbing his eyes.

"Victorias mad because I told Robert to leave and ruined there moment, when he was about to kiss her!" Nick repled.

"Wow Nick." Kevin laughed.


"You don't do that."

"Why not?"

"Becuase, Torys grown and has liked this boy forever."

"Oh.. Tory."

"What?" I said.

"Im sorry."

I looked at him and sighed, "Okay. Im going to bed. Night Nick. Night Kevy." I said, kissing them both on the cheek.

"Night Tory." They said in union.

"I dident know." Nick mummbled.

"Dude, its fine. Knowning Tory she'll be fine in the morning." Kevin mummbled back, as I closed the door to my room.
♠ ♠ ♠
:] Ep! I dont think its that great of a chapter. But I hope you guys liked it atleast.
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