Sister Jonas



Alice and I sat in my room, just string into space. I felt Alice lay her head in my lap and i felt tears hit my leg. I looked down and saw she saw crying. I rubbed her back, "Alice, hunny talk to me." I said.

She shock her head, "They keep fighting, they wont stop. Dad left the other night and dident come home until this morrning. He was drunk and he looked so horriable. Mom started yelling at him again and then he hit her. In front of me. I stood watching, calling for them to stop fighting. Then I heard them say it, I heard them say it was over. I looked at them and then thats when I called you." She stuttered, shacking.

"Alice, your scared huh?" I said, rubbing her back still.

"I am so scared, I don't want my mom and dad to break up again." She said, rubbing her eyes.

I hushed her and looked at the door and saw my dad and Frankie standing there, "Everything will be okay Alice, just wait and see, you'll make it through." I said, nodding for them to come in. Dad walked in, as Frankie ran to Alice and dropped to her side and hugged her, "It will be okay Alice, you have us." He said.

Alice giggled, "I know. I know."

"Tory, hunny, Can I talk to you for a second?" My dad asked.

I nodded my head and slowly got up, "Be right back."

Alice nodded her head and Frankie smiled.

I walked out the door with my dad, "Whats up dad?"

"Hun, the boys are leaving for tour." He said.

I looked up and my heart stopped, "W-when?"

"Tommorow..." He said.

I looked at him and shock my head, "Why doesen't anyone tell me sooner!" I said.

"But Victoria." Mom said, hugging me.

"What?" I said.

"They want us to all come, as a family." She said.

I smiled and nodded my head, "But what about Alice?" I said.

"They want her to come also."

I smiled and bounced back into my room, "Alice!!" I screamed.

She looked up with her puff eyes, "Yes Toryyyy?" She mimmicked.

"Do you want to go on tour with me and the family?" I asked.

"Me? One tour?" She said, She nodded her head, "Sure when do we leave?"

"Tommorow!" Frankie cheered.
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Okay, so I havent updated in a long time, and I am sorry, but comment please:]