Sister Jonas

Pillow Fight!

We throw the bags into the bus and pilled in. I smiled and took in the air of, busses.

"Go chose out you bunks!" My dad laughed.

Alice and I looked at eachother and hopped up, running to the bunk room. Wher ethe boys were sitting in there bunks that they chose. I sighed, "No far!"

Alice laughed, "All is far in love and war!" She said, taking the last top bunk.

I store at her and rose my eyebrow, "What?"

Nick laughed, "Just chose your bunk little sister." He said.

I glarred at him and chose the bunk under Joe, next to Nicks. "Joe if you ever fart, and I mean ever! I will hurt you!" I said.

Everyone laughed and Alice ew'ed.

"Yea, we will all kill you!" Frankie laughed, throwing his pillow at him.

"Pillow fight!" I yelled smaking Nick in the face.

Touring with my best friends and my family is going to be great!
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Sorry its short!!!