Sister Jonas

Pinkie Promise

Later that night, Nick was trying to get me out to come eat. Alice was worried. I wasen't hungry Lie Okay maybe I was, but I didn't want to eat. I did something really stupid and I'm not proud of it. Soon enough everyone will find out once they see the ring missing. I ran my hands through my hair, frustrated. Why was I so stupid!? Maybe it was the beer and my heart. Hm. Maybe. I sighed and decided to take a shower. I threw myself off my buck, landing on my butt, "Ow.." I mumbled.

I got up and walked to my suit case and grabbed this:


I quickly walked into the shower as I heard Nick and Alice talking and coming my way. I hoped in and let the cold water hit my body. It felt good. 15 minutes later I got out. I slipped on my clothes and brushed my teeth then decided I should eat, even though I felt like crap. I walked to the little kitchen we had on the bus and looked around. Mom and dad were talking. Kevin looked up at me and had something in his hand, he looked down. I stuck my ring hand in my pocket. Nick was writing and singing to his self. Frankie was playing with Miya. Of course Joe and Alice were in there own worlds. I sighed and grabbed a salad and a water. I sat down and started to pick at it, taking little bites. Kevin sat down next to me and handed me my purity ring, then looked at me, "Whats wrong?"

I looked down at it and threw it on the ground.

"You didn't?" Kevin asked, shocked.

"I didn't mean for it to happen." I said, tears whaling up, "I was so hurt Kevin. I-I wanted to get out, so I did, there was a party. I had something to drink then I woke up with a head ache. Oh god Kevin!" I cried into his shoulder.

He put his arms around me and hussed me. "Sh its okay." He kissed my head, "We'll have to tell Mom and Da-"

I shot up and shoke my head, "Oh lord no. Kevin don't tell them."

He sighed, "I think they should know."

"No Kevin please, promise me you wont tell them." I whined, holding out my pinkie, waiting for a pinkie promise.

He sighed, "Fine Tory, but please tell me he used a condom."

My whole body froze in hear and shock.
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Sorry for the lack of updates:(