‹ Prequel: Lessons In New Jersey

We watched our lives on the screen



I continued setting up the camera as Frank stood in front. He still had that cuteness and charm I ended up falling for. And still those gorgeous eyes, but everytime I thought about it the whole situation of what happened so many years ago keeps popping up making me mad.

"Would you stop doing that," he questioned.

"Doing what?" I questioned back.

"Stop making that face like you really dislike the fact I'm here," he replied back.

"Oh I don't think dislike is the word I'm searching for." I replied.

"Well hates a pretty strong word."

"Comes with strong feelings though, now stand still." I replied and snapped the picture and the flash went off.

"Was that necessary, you didn't use the flash on Gerard," he replied blinking his eyes.

"Well cause if I did you wouldn't be able to see him with that white hair and pale face." I replied and gave him a smirk. "next."

I finished the head shots and already was taking a break, also giving them time to change there clothes and fix up there make up, sounds kinda girlish but it was funny at the same time.

"Hey Joe, can I just call you Joe?" I questioned him.

"Go for it." He replied back.

"I saw a starbucks down the street I'm gonna go get some coffee, frappaccino whatever, you want anything.?" I grabbed my purse.

"Hey no that's my job I'll go to Starbucks and get you something." he replied back.

"It's okay, I'll go I need to get for a bit all the lights, kinda making me wee ooh," I replied back.

"Are you sure, want me to come with you?" he questioned me.

"No thats fine, you want anything?" I questioned him again.

"Um...whatever you get is fine?" he started to get his wallet out.

"No I'll pay for it, my treat okay," I replied making him put his wallet back in his pocket.

"Um okay, I'll get the next back drop and what not set up for you okay." he replied and walked away.

I got my cell phone out and began to dial my office.

"Where are you going?" I heard Gerard question, he was in a black suit, with a white tie with buttons that made it seem like the band outfit he wore in the Welcome To the Black Parade video. But it was different.

"Um," I couldn't help but stare he looked, lets not to sound teenyish but there was no getting around it, sexy as hell.

"Ummmm?" he questioned with a smirk.

"To Starbucks," I replied and hung up my phone before anyone could answer.

"Ooh I'm so going with you." he replied and put his arm around me.

"But what about the shoot?" I questioned him.

"Well if your gone then does it really matter, who will shoot it hmm." he replied back. And of course he was right.

"Fine, but if your spotted by your little teensie cutsie fans I'm just gonna do what they do 'Omigah its Gerard Way!'," I replied with a laugh.

"Thats messed up." he replied and poked me on the side making me squeek. "ooh I forgot about that. hmm such fun," he poked me again and made me squeek.

"Youuuu, you stop it." I replied grabbing his hand. He smiled and grabbed my hand holding it.

"You know how long I've waited to hold your hand again?" he questioned me as we walked out. I looked down at our hands. "Well incase your wondering, I've been waiting ever since you left."

I smiled and looked at him "That long, I think your fibbing." I replied back.

"No I never fib...okay I do sometimes. But not right now." he replied with a little laugh.

"Ah I see," I replied with a smile.

We walked until we reached Starbucks. We didn't really say anything but it didn't matter. There was alot of looks here and there. Obviously people recognized Gerard. We walked in order our coffees and decided to sit down at a table on the patio.

"So I was wondering, when were you planning on coming back?" he questioned me.

"Well, I was going to but then you had your big 'My Chemical Romance' explosion, so what was the point. You weren't in New Jersey anymore so I had nothing to go back to." I replied.

"What about your mom, or brother?" he questioned back.

"As far as my brother, we were never close and my mom, I called her everyday." I replied and took the lid off my cup. Whip cream is the best part. "I called you, but you never were home or you were sleeping or as your mom told me 'He's drawing and he hates when I bug him' so yea,"

He smiled at me. "Yea, usually I was drawing you. Well the cartoon version of you." I smiled and took a sip of my frappa-whatever. "hey look, you have a whip cream on your face." he laughed.

"In general thats what happends when you drink something with whip cream," I laughed and grabbed a napkin, but he then took the napkin away setting it down, leaned over and kissed me. That sure solved the problem of the whip cream.

"Yummy," he replied with a chuckle as he pulled way. "I've been waiting to do that too." he smiled.

"That makes two of us," this time I leaned over and kissed him back. I felt his hand caress my cheek as he kissed back but pulled away when I heard the shutter click of a camera. The person smiled and walked away. I looked at him and he looked back.

"That would probably be a papparazzi," he replied back.

"Oh fun, we should probably go back now." I replied grabbing my purse.

"Yea we probably should." He replied and stood up.

He put his arm around me as we walked back still not saying anything too each other, but it still didn't matter. We both knew what each other was thinking. So who cared. We walked back up and saw Frank sitting on a chair texting on his phone, he looked up and saw us not saying anything or with any certain facial expression.