‹ Prequel: Lessons In New Jersey

We watched our lives on the screen

I've Got to Move on and Be Who I am...

It was like a replay of our past. And yet again it was all because of me.

As the argument progressed Ray and Bob and stepped in between them.

"You guys just stop it!" I yelled to them. Not like they listened. There was nothing else we could do. I'm sure everyone loses there cool sometimes. Well I know I lost mine.

I stepped in between them. Slapping them both across the face. I can tell you now it got them to stop yelling.

"Stop it both of you! You guys are acting childish. I don't really know, or what, or care about what started this whole charade. But right now I don't wanna hear it! I don't mean to be a bitch but I'm leaving I'll be in the studio area. And you better have settled it by the time you walk back up to that back drop! So work the DAMN problem!" I turned and stormed out.

I guess it left everyone in a bit of a shock. Cause no one said anything as I walked away and I heard nothing coming out of room. I was still a bit shaken up by the whole thing so I walked over to the bathroom and pulled out my phone to call my boss.

Phone Convo.
Jerry: Hello?
Maddie: Jerry! I can't do it! You better send someone else down.
Jerry: What do you mean?
Maddie: I mean what I mean. I'm not doing this shoot. Send someone else. I'm leaving the studio. I'll be back next weekend.
Jerry: You have to do this shoot. Your the best photographer I've had. Just finish it.
Maddie: No I'm not. To much shit and drama is coming out of it.
Jerry: Listen to me Maddie. You are gonna walk back out there. Forget any kind of relationship you had with any of them. And your going to do the shoot.
Maddie: No I'm not.
Jerry: Yes you are...or your fired.
Maddie: Fuck you. I quit anyways.

End Phone Convo.

I hung up the phone and stood there with my hands on the sink. I looked in the mirror then looked away. I breathed in deeply three times, then in a some what involuntary action ended up punching the mirror making it shatter. After I realized what I had done I looked at the shards of glass were on the sink and some in my hand. I watched my hand bleed dripping blood on the counter I looked up at the mirror which now gave off a Kaleidoscope image I looked away shaking my head and pulling out as much glass as I could take out of my hand then wrapping it in toilet paper and slipping my hand in my coat pocket. I put my phone in my purse and walked out only to be stopped when I saw Gerard. He still had a red mark on his face where I had slapped him.

"Can I help you?" I questioned him.

"Are you okay?" He questioned me.

"I'm fine." I replied back trying to walk past him.

"You have blood on your jacket." He replied stopping me and looking at my pocket where my blood and seeped through.

"It's nothing." I replied back still trying to walk away but he pulled me back. Pulling my hand out of my pocket.

"Jesus, what did you do?" he questioned me unwrapping the toilet paper off my hand which some had stuff to my hand at the time too. Now looking at my hand I guess I had done more damage than I had thought. He looked at me then looked past me into the bathroom and saw the mirror. "We have to take you to the hospital, you probably need stitches." He replied back.

"I said it was nothing, Just go back to the dressing room or something." I replied pulling my hand away almost wishing I hadn't considering I had made it bleed more as I did that.

"I'm just concern, it might get infected." he replied back.

"Like you would care." I replied back.

"You know I would." he replied back defensively.

"No you wouldn't Gerard, I'm sorry but what I thought we had or might have had. I was wrong. Okay, so just go back to the band. I'm leaving my boss should be sending another photographer over okay." I replied looking down. As I looked back up at him I could see his heart crumbling before my eyes.

"So your just gonna leave...Just like that. Madeline...I've never thought of another girl since the day you left." he replied back stepping towards me but I stepped back.

"I'm sorry, I don't believe you. You'll be okay. I've got to move on and be who I am. I just don't belong here, I hope you understand." I replied back and stepped back again then finally turning and walking away.