Dissociative Identity

Part One

Morgan awoke on a Saturday morning in pain. She groaned to herself as she sat up, glad her blinds shut out all light. The pain in her 'area' confused her for a second, but the anger inside her immediately replaced it. Logan. It had to have been Logan. The one who always had and always will hate her. The one who would drive her crazy one day. The anger inside her continued to rise, but she knew she couldn't do anything about it. She'd never be able too. Morgan had never been able to say anything to Logan, her counterpart, because Logan would not tolerate any of it. Morgan concentrated, trying to remember a bit of last night. Unlike other cases of MPD, she could sometimes see what Logan had made her do. Morgan spent at least 20 minutes like that, trying to remember. From what glimpses she could make out, other than Logan getting insanely drunk, Morgan was horrified. Maybe more disgusted than horrified though, or maybe a mix of the two. She didn't exactly know what she felt, all she knew is that she cried.

Logan had made Morgan loose her virginity, her innocence, the thing she wanted to keep until after she got married, Logan made her loose it in a flash. Morgan screamed. She didn't know why, she knew it wouldn't help, but she did. Joelisa, Morgans' mother, came running in.
"What's wrong?!" she said restlessly. She'd never said Morgan anymore, for fear it would be Logan. Morgan looked at her mom completely broken, the only thing she moved was her head. Her whole body felt like it was being pressed together by two 10,000 pounds weights. Joelisa sat on the bed, knowing it was Morgan. She hugged her softly, but firmly.
"What happened honey?" she said softly into Morgans' long, golden brown hair. Morgan began sobbing into her mothers' shoulder. She didn't know how she planned to explain it to her mother, but she would.
"Logan," she choked out. She calmed herself enough to talk, and looked up at her mom. "Logan went out last night. She ruined me." was all she could say, what with the shock and the pain. Her mom cooed her delicately, rocking her back and forth gently. She didn't know what to say, what could she say? 'I hate this..' she thought to herself, cursing Logan with the highest intensity she could inside her head, 'This is my baby girl and I can't do a damned thing about it.'
This happened every time something happened with Logan, though this time was the worst. Morgan finally stopped crying and looked at her mom.
"Logan made me loose my virginity, my innocence. She made me loose the one thing that I actually thought was mine." she explained to her mom, getting that she was babbling. Joelisa stared at Morgan horrified. Logan had done some bad things, but this was by far the worst. That went on for an hour, and finally Morgan fell asleep in her mothers arms. Joelisa gently lay her down, covering her with her blankets in the fall cold.

Morgan walked to the neighborhood park at about 3:21 that Saturday afternoon. The park she was walking to barely ever had anyone visit it. It was sort of just there, no one using it, not for decoration, just there. She'd always liked coming here for peace. No mother looking over her, Granted, it was for her own good, but she still hated it. No T.V constantly blaring down in the living room. No walls. Just Morgan, a pencil, some paper, and her camera; all the things she needed to be entertained for hours.
That's the thing about Morgan, who was now bundled up in a hoodie, a jacket, gloves, a scarf, jeans, a snow hat, and boots, she was easily entertained. Not the kind where someone says "Ooh, shiny light!", the kind where someone does sensible things with her time. She loved to write; stories, poems, songs, anything. Writing was her place of venting and calm. She also loved photography; she thought that she could easily express herself by the pictures she took. They were really amazing for a simple 15 year old, she had good talent. The sad part was she couldn't spread that talent into say, a school for photography with Logan. That's where she hated her life. She'd never gone to public school. She'd never been able to with Logan being able to come through at any time. If Logan were to come through in the middle of a test, of course she'd make Morgan fail it. Morgan never really went to giant social gatherings like that because of Logan, she was always afraid Logan would loose control and start like, killing someone.
She set down her stuff on the lone brown picnic table, which had years of writing engraved into it, and looked around. The white house across the street from the park, abandoned for three years but still looked like new, sat there, almost taunting her. She didn't know why, but she'd always been fascinated by this abandoned house. Many of her poems and stories had been based off of this house, but for some reason there was always something missing, something not making the story or poem complete. She turned her attention towards the actual park, now. A blue, plastic slide with purple railings and silver steps sat on the far left side, along with a Porta-John a few feet out in front of it. On the other side of the park stood an old white, one-roomed school house they now used for voting purposes. In the back end of the park there was a six-swinged swing set divided into two swings each section, all sections a different color from blue to purple to white. In the center there sat three sets of monkey bars made into an H formation, one yellow, one white, and one yellow purple and blue. In the far right hand corner there was an odd purple thing with random patches of discolored rust. No one actually knew what that purple thing was, it was just sort of there. Morgan thought about a poem she could write about the odd purple thing, and sat at the picnic table, slightly smiling to herself. She picked up her light blue led pencil with the eraser bitten off, and started writing.

Morgan had written the poem and a random One-Shot about what she thought happened last night, and decided to head home. Her cheeks bright pink against her pale face, she began the three-minute walk home. Right when she left the park and turned the corner, made blind by a solid block of pine trees, she ran into a tall, muscular boy. Her being her own clumsy self, ended up stumbling backwards and falling onto the ground. His eyebrows raised, dazed for a second, then looked down at Morgan, who was trying to recover from her fall. He instantly held out a hand, and she took it greatfully, standing up. When he came up from getting her books after he helped her up, he smiled apologetically.
"Sorry, I guess I should pay more attention next time..." he said.
Morgan returned his spologetic smile, "That's alright," she paused, looking him over. "Are you new in the neighborhood? I know most people here, but I don't recognize you." she said thoughtfully, getting a nod in response.
"Yeah, just moved here last weekend. I'm Max, I'll be starting the local cyber-school group this Monday." he said, smiling friendly this time.
"I'm Morgan, nice to meet you," she said politely, "And I'm a member of that group, actually. A lot of memebers are really nice, you'll enjoy it." she said, and they stood there chatting for a few minutes. Morgan told him where she lived, and he did the same back. After about ten minutes of talking, they parted ways, saying their goodbyes they both secretly hoped that they'd see eachother again.
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I know it's kind of short, but I couldn't think of much else.
I don't know if there are many sotries with MPD things, but I'm gunna try and pull it off.
Any comments and feedback would be nice :)