Please Turn Back The Time


I watched as the California trees swayed in the light breeze as we drove by in the cab. From the Train Station, we took a cab to my Grandma's house.

"Does Jimmy still live with you?" I asked leaning my head against the cool glass of the window.

"No. He and Leana moved in together, a little over a year ago." My Grandma said as she read some old novel.

"Oh." I sighed and looked back out the window. My sunglasses were over my eyes as the California sun blinded me. "I miss her."

"She misses you too." My Grandma replied after awhile. "Are you going to apply at any of the universities around here?" She asked.

I looked over at her and shrugged. I haven't really thought about it. I don't have the passion for it anymore. If I cant even save my parents life, how do they accept me to save others?

"You cant blame yourself, Katen." My Grandma sighed shaking her head at me. Whats with old people and always reading others thoughts. "Its not your fault. You cant change what happened."

I sighed and turned back to the outside as we turned onto a familiar little street. "It's the white one." My Grandma told the cabbie as he slowly pulled over to the side of the road.

I looked at the same house she's always lived in. The white house with dark blue shutters, that look black from the road. A white picket fence with rose and tulip patches surrounding the frame of the house. The garage was to the right slightly farther back then the house so the driveway could connect to it. It hadn't change at all. Nothing had.

"Coming out of there Kate?" My Grandma asked as she stood in front of my window already out of the cab.

I nodded and clenched the door handle and let myself out. I grabbed two of my bags from the back of the cab and began to followed my Grandma into her house.

The smell of peppermint filled my nostrils, like it always did. "Still smells the same." I muttered to my self.

"What was that, dear?" She asked.


"Your room is this way." she said walking up the stairs. She walked into the second door on the right. I remember hers is the first and the only door on the left was the bathroom. The room was a light yellow color with a brown furnishings. "I hope this okay."

I nodded and looked around the room. Setting my bags down as I continued to look around.

"Can you be a dear and go into the basement for me. There's a box down there that's Jimmy's and my legs aren't what they used to be." she said giving me a small smile

I nodded and followed her down the stairs. "It must be hard to walk up and down these stairs all the time."

She nodded. "Yeah, but I moved my things into the spare on the first floor instead."

I scrunched up my face when she said that. That "spare room" used to be my Grandpa's study. He had all his stuff in there. his medals from wars, his trophies from hunting, his pictures through all the years. When he passed away my Grandma could barely walk pass that room with out breaking down.

"You mean?"

"Yeah." She nodded. "Like I said sweetie." She paused as she opened the basement steps for me. "Sometimes you just have to leave the past in the past and move on with your life."

She said it as if she was complete sure of herself. If my Grandma could move on from her life without my Grandpa, why couldn't I?Because its harder than it seems.

I walked down the stairs, flipping the light switch as I went, step by step. When I walked down I saw several boxes sitting on the ground next to a naked bed.

"Grandma. Which one?" I asked yelling up the stairs.

"You'll have to check sweetie. He said there was only one left.:"

I nodded and knelt down next to the boxes. I opened the closest one to me first and saw it was just old clothes that my grandma used to wear. I closed it back up and pushed it to the side, grabbing the next closets one.

When I opened it up I was meet with several pictures and frames. I noticed one was of Leana and Jimmy and knew this was it. I was about to close it when a picture caught my eye. I glanced down at it and took a deep breath as I picked it up.

My butt slid off my shins as I sat down on the ground, with my back against the bed.

The picture in my hands was the one Leana took of me and Brian at Prom. He was facing the camera with a shocked faced as I was leaning up to kiss his cheek. I smiled down at it for a moment before things began to flash through my mind.

HmmHmmmHmmmmHmmm Hmmmm Hmmmm Hmmm....

“Okay I want one of you and Brian.” She said pushing me into Brian’s arms.

I giggled and looked up at Brian. He smiled back at me before he turned his head to the camera. I smiled and stood up on my tip toes kissing his cheek.

“Aww.” Leana cooed. “You two are so cute together. I cant believe its been two years.”

“Two years and four months.” Brian corrected her. He placed his arms around my waist and locked his fingers on the small of my back.

“Aw! Brian is so cute.” Jimmy laughed.

Brian narrowed his eyes at him. “I’m not cute.”

I laughed. “No you’re just adorable.”

He smiled down at me and kissed my nose. “Nope that’s you.”

I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck.

“Alright kids.” The DJ announced. “This is the last song. Grab your date and hold them close.”

I looked up at Brian and I could feel the small tears in my eyes. Next year he was going to be gone and I had one more year left.

“Are you okay?”

I nodded and rested my head against his chest. “So close.” I whispered.

“Almost believing this was not pretend”

I leaned up and connected my lips to his as the song Patience by Guns N Roses played in the background.

"Will we always be together?" I asked him as we pulled away.

He nodded and kissed my cheek. "Always baby."

"What if I move away get famous?" I asked nervously.

He smiled and pulled me closer to his body. "Katen." his hot breath tickled my skin as he spoke. "Baby, its doesn't matter where we are after I graduate. It's always going to be me and you and no one else. If." he said looking down at me. "I get famous"


He rolled his eyes playfully at me. "Fine when, I get famous and you go to college to be my nurse, which may I add I cant wait to see you in that outfit."

I slapped his chest and laughed. "Brian, you don't actually wear a short ass dress as a nurse!" I eyed him suspiciously. "What kind of nurses have you seen?"

He rolled his eyes again and let out a small laugh before he just ignored my little rant and continued with his speech. "Like I was saying." I smiled innocently at him. "It doesn't matter how far we are away from each other because in the end. " He said rubbing my sides softly. "Will always come back to each other."



I nodded and rested my head on his chest. "I love you."

"Can't help but think of the times I've had with you. Pictures and some memories will have to help me through." He whispered as he sung in my ear.

"Who sings that?" I asked him softly.

"No one." He said as I pulled away slowly to look up at him. "I just made it up."

I smiled and pressed my lips to his once again. "I like it."

He nodded. "Then its yours, when I finish it."


I had tears flowing from my eyes as the memory began to fade away. I wiped them and but looked at the picture still in my hands.

"I like that one too."

I jumped slightly at the voice and looked up to see who it was. I was meet with a tall boy with light brown hair and blue eyes like mine.

"Hey Katen."

"Hey Jimmy." I sniffled and wiped my tears away. Placing the picture back into the box, closing the box and standing up.

Jimmy smiled at me as he opened his arms up. "Come here." he whispered. I quickly threw my arms around his waist and spilled out my tears on his chest.

"Jimmy. I cant, I cant do this without them."

"Shh." he cooed as he kissed the top of my head. "You'll be okay sweetie."

I shook my head. "No I wont. This is the first time I cried over them Jimmy. I cant sleep, I barely eat. I cant even find the same passion I had in nursing, like I used to. I'm nothing without them."

He pulled me back and held up my chin so I was looking into his eyes. "Katen you listen to me. You will be fine. You are not nothing. You have me, Grandma Summers, Leana, Val, Matt, Zack, and Brian. We're all here for you."

I glared at the last name he said. "I do not and will not have Brian" I hissed.

"Katen." he sighed. "He misses you and he even forgives you. He just wants you back. "

I scrunched up my face in confusion. "Why would I need forgiveness. He's the one who fucked up."

Jimmy gave me the same confused look, shaking his head. "What are you talking about?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about Brian forgiving you for cheating on him:" Jimmy told me looking at me as if I were stupid.

Cheated? I cheated on Brian. What was he talking about.

"Jimmy...wait what? I never cheated on him!" I said, I was outraged. I was in love with Brian, why would I cheat on him?


"I never cheated on that" I paused. "Is that what he said?"

Jimmy nodded his head. "You didn't?" he asked confused. I shook my head no. "That fucker said you did. Everyone was pissed at you for a long time."

"I didn't."

"Then what happened?" He asked as he sat down on the bed and placed me on his lap.

"I was pregnant and he said he couldn't."
♠ ♠ ♠

I like this chapter! It's longer!

Dedicated to fatehathnomercy aka Tarra for picking the Patience song!

& yes the song he "made up" is Dear God!which will make its debut later in the story!

15+ comments = update!
