Please Turn Back The Time


I looked around the room as I sat on the black leather couch, nervously. I looked down at my lap as everyone's gaze on me continue to seep into my skin.

"Can you guys stop looking at me like that?" I asked looking up and catching blue eyes. "I'm actually here guys.

"Sorry." Leana mumbled and looked down at her lap. Not only was Leana staring at me but so was Matt and Val and Jimmy.

Jimmy was sitting next to me with an ice pack on his knuckles. He chuckled when he saw me staring down at it. "He fucking deserved it."

"Fuck yeah." Matt said, as he had an ice pack too, held up to his eye.

I looked down at my hands and began to chip the purple nail polish off it.

"Jimmy." I said as he pulled me along a pathway up to a huge house. "I don't think I should-"

Jimmy just shook his head and kept walking to the door, tightening his grip on my wrist. "He fucked up."

He busted through the door and looked around for a second before he began to walk again down a hallway. I could hear small laughter and talking as he kept walking, pulling me around.

"Those smell good." I scrunched up my face, recognizing the voice as Val.

"Mhmm." Someone inhaled. It sounded like a male this time. "There sure do, baby." Matt? Why are we at their house? I thought assuming this was their house

"Hey Jimmy." Val smiled as he walked through the door. Val was standing there with the cookie tray in her oven-mitten hands as she looked up at us. She tilted her head to the side when she saw me. "Who's behind you Jimmy?"

Matt was reaching over to grab a cookie from the tray, noticing Val was to distracted with me. He looked down at Val, raising his brow, as he followed his gaze to me and Jimmy. "Who's that?"

I looked up at Jimmy and prayed he'd let me stay hiding behind him. But with no such luck he tugged on my arm and placed me in front of him.

Matt and Val just stared at me. Matt did a quick up and down while Val stared at my face. She looked confused till her eyes went wide and she dropped the tray right out of her hands.


I looked over at Matt and watched as he grabbed his big toe in pain. Val raised her eyebrow at him and looking him up and down like he was a big baby. "Baby." she muttered under her breath before turning back to look at me. "Katen?"

I nodded my head and gave her a small smile. "Hey Val." I wasn't sure how she felt about me. After what Brian told them I wasn't sure who liked me and who didn't.

"Whats going on in...." I looked over as the screen door popped open and a tiny familiar brunette waltzed her way through. "Oh my...." she said and ran right into me. "Katen!" she squealed and knocked me backwards, but Jimmy held us up against his chest.

She pulled away and kissed my cheek. "You are never ever aloud to leave me ever again!"

"Okay..."I muttered with a small smile. "I missed you."

"I missed you too! We all did." she said looking back at Val and Matt who nodded. "Oh my god I cant wait to see the look on...." she stopped and frowned as she looked towards the backyard. "Nevermind."

I was about to ask why but I was answered when giggling came into the house, though the same door Leana just came though. The room went silent expected for the giggles and the sound of smacking lips.

"Hey guys were going to..." His brown eyes landed on me and mine landed on him. We stared at each other, every memory came flooding back into my head. It kept happening till we were both knocked out of our trance.

"Brian!" the brunette squealed and tugged on his arm. "I thought you wanted to." she said seductively hinting at something. She was completely ignoring the fact that I and everyone else, was standing no more than a foot away from them. I looked at her closely before my gaze went to Val. She mouthed 'sorry' to me and I shook my head. She didn't need to. "Brian!!!"

He looked over at Michelle before he looked back at me. "Ka-Katen?"

I sighed and nodded my head. Why was everyone so shocked to see me? I know they were all well aware I was coming back., "Yeah."

Brian took a step towards me making Michelle's arm, that was linked with his disconnected. She scoffed and rolled her her, fuming at me. "Brian!"

He ignored her and stepped even closer to me. He placed his palm on my cheek and stared into my blue eyes. The skin to skin contact sent electric and shivers though my spine all at once. This used to always happen before but I wasn't expecting it to still. His eyes that held lust in them for Michelle, changed as he grazed into mine. It was love.

"Oh no!" Jimmy barked and pushed Brian away from me, pulling me into his body. "You don't get another fucking chance. You fucking fuckhead!"

"Jimmy!" Leana and Val both yelled.

"No!" Jimmy yelled and held me tighter. I buried my head in his chest not wanting to look at them as he spoke. "He fucked up everything!"

"What are you talking about?" Matt asked.

Brian said silently the whole time. I peeked out and saw him looking down at the ground. He knew it was coming. Everything he ever said was going to be put out on the table, and in the end, it was going to be all one big lie. His head tilted slightly and he caught my eyes. He opened his mouth about to say something, when I shook my head and placed it back into Jimmy's chest. I knew if I would let him say it, I would of crawled right into his arms.

"I'm talking about Brian here lying to all of us." He said rubbing my back soothingly.

"Huh?" Matt asked confused.

"Brian tell them!" Jimmy yelled. I shook in his grasp.

"Jimmy maybe this isn't the time." Leana said, probably noticing my shakes.

"No this is the perfect fucking time!" he bellowed. "Fucking tell them!"


"Brian you don't have to." I couldn't tell if it was Michelle or Val, who spoke.

"Shut the fuck up, Mich! Tell them!" It was Michelle then

"I lied."

"About what?" Jimmy asked. "Tell them what!" his voice was demanding.

I heard a small gulp. "Katen never cheated."

"What?!" Val, Matt, and Leana all yelled, Leana louder than the rest, even Matt.

"She didn't."

"Tell them the truth!" Jimmy hissed.

I felt soft velvet hands rub my shoulder and I looked up to see Leana was there. I was facing away from Brian and everyone else. Leana gave me a small smile.

"I left without a goodbye."

Leana's eyes went wide as she looked passed me, glaring.

"And why did you..." asked irritated this was taking to long.

"ShewaspregnantantIwasscared." Brian rambled softly.

"What?" Matt asked.

"Yeah what?" Jimmy asked with a sicken voice. "Sorry could you speak up, no one caught that fucker!" he hissed.

"She was pregnant." Leana looked down at my belly before looking back up at my eyes. "And I said no."

The room was silent. Leana was looking at me but then she looked up as loud footsteps began to fill the room. The steps stopped and a sicken crack was heard.

"That's what you get fucker." Matt snapped. "Fuck!"

Jimmy let go of me and I didn't noticed till then I using him to hold me up. I immediately fell into Leana's arms, as I cried and listened to the hits being taking for me.

"So when can we meet the little one?" Val asked cheerily, trying to change the mood. But that was short lived as I stiffened and looked slowly over at Jimmy who just looked away from me as he stiffened to.

"About that..." He whispered. He grabbed my hand, his was cold from the ice pack, and gave it a gently squeeze. "Do you-"

"Hey Fuckers!"

I exhaled thanking whoever that was. In walked the short boy with a Mohawk and familiar handsome boy with short black hair, green eyes, snakebites, and a septum.

Johnny, I believe, raised an eyebrow at me and Zack didn't see me yet. He was looking at Matt trying hard not to laugh at him.

"What the fuck happened to you?"

"Syn" Matt muttered.

Zack laughed and shook his head. It shook towards Jimmy and he was about to laugh again but stopped when he saw me. Confusing hit his green eyes, as he stared at me. I blushed softly at him. I never knew why but Zack could always do that to me. It didn't matter if I was in love with Brian or not. If I caught that twinkle in his green eyes, I'd melt and blush.

"Hey Zacky."

His face screwed up as I said his name. He was probably thinking how could someone he didn't even know, know his name. Simple Zack, it's me Kat-.

"Katen." he breathed with a small twinkle and a heart pounding smile.
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