Please Turn Back The Time


"You look good."

I blushed and looked back down at my lap. I could here small snickers coming from Matt and Jimmy, but I chose to ignore them. "Thanks." I mumbled and watched Zack's feet as he made his way to sit on the couch next to me.

"Your welcome." he sighed as he plopped down onto the cushion. He placed one arm, discreetly above my shoulders, not touching but close enough. I looked up at him and he smiled when our eyes locked. I smiled back at him.

"Alright stop with the eye sex, you two." Jimmy said pulling me into his side. I blushed again as everyone but Zack snickered. Zack narrowed his eyes at Jimmy before looking back at me with a smirk. "I said stop!"

Zack laughed and rolled his eyes, looking back over at Matt, snickering. "Watch it Baker!"

"And least I can watch." Zack chuckled as Matt let out a low growl.


"Anyways!" Val said interrupting them. She looked over at me with a small smile. "Whats the baby's name?"

I looked down and took a deep breath. "Jayden."

"What?"Zack asked with an eyebrow raised as he restudied my figure. "You have a kid?"

I shook my head and closed my eyes as I felt the wet tears begin to form. "No." Mumbled.

"But Brian said..." Leana began but Jimmy stopped her.

"Don't Leana." He rubbed my side. "You should tell them Kate."

I nodded closing my eyes and retelling them the story I told Jimmy.


Brian held a bag of peas against his jaw and a bag of corn on his knuckles. His face and hands were both sore from the fight he just got in. He didn't want to react to Matt hitting him. He knew he deserved it. He knew what he said and his actions two years ago were. He deserved to be punch.

But what he didn't deserved was the way Katen looked at him, when he held her face in his hands. He knew his feelings were still there but he didn't think she'd still have them. He could tell my the look in her eye, that she was seeing Brian the same way she did before everything happen.

It was love, once again.

Brian sat the bags of vegetables on the table in front of him and placed his acoustic guitar on his lap. He strummed a couple of times making sure it was tuned correctly.

He smiled and pulled Katen closer to his body. "Katen." his hot breath tickled her skin as he spoke. "Baby, its doesn't matter where we are after I graduate. It's always going to be me and you and no one else. If." he said looking down into her deep blue eyes. "I get famous"


He rolled his eyes playfully at Katen. "Fine when, I get famous and you go to college to be my nurse, which may I add I cant wait to see you in that outfit."

She slapped his chest and laughed. "Brian, you don't actually wear a short ass dress as a nurse!" She eyed him suspiciously. "What kind of nurses have you seen?"

He rolled his eyes again and let out a small laugh before he just ignored her little rant and continued with his speech. "Like I was saying. It doesn't matter how far we are away from each other because in the end. " He said rubbing her sides softly. "Will always come back to each other."



She nodded and rested her head on his chest. "I love you."

"Can't help but think of the times I've had with you. Pictures and some memories will have to help me through, oh yeah" He took a deep breath and strummed a little longer than normal before beginning the next part.

"Dear God the only thing I ask of you is
to hold her when I'm not around
when I'm much too far away
We all need that person who can be true to you
I left her when I found her
And now I wish I'd stayed
'Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again oh no
Once again

Some search, never finding a way
Before long, they waste away
I found you, something told me to stay
I gave in, to selfish ways
And how I miss someone to hold
when hope begins to fade..."

"Stop it!"

Brian stopped playing and picked his head up. He raised an eyebrow at his girlfriend.

"I said stop it" Michelle hissed. "That's her song isn't it?" She asked adding a hit of venom when she said 'her'. "Isn't it!" she hissed again when Brian didn't respond.

Brian sighed and placed his fingers back on the strings strumming softly the same song. "Forget it Mich."

"No Brian!" Michelle yelled standing in front of him now. "I am your girlfriend! You don't go looking at other girls in a way you should be only looking at me."

Brian stopped strumming and looked up at Michelle. His eyes were narrowed and his lips were clenched. "You don't get Mich" He stood up and towered over her. "You'll never get it." He said and walked passed her.

"Get what? That you would rather have that slutty cheating whore than me!" She snapped following him as he walked towards the kitchen. Brian pulled open the fridge and pulled out a beer. "I made you the man you are today Brian! I made you happy again."

Brian turned around and clenched the bottle tighter in his arms. "You didn't do anything Michelle! You did nothing but take my money and fuck others guys when I was away!" he snapped take a quick swig of his beer. "So don't you ever call her the slutty cheating whore." he was booming in anger now. "When we both know that is you!" He looked into her eyes and couldn't see the same things he saw in Katen's. "And to answer your question. Yes, that's is her song. It's always been her!"

Michelle gasped, surprised he was yelling at her like this. Her shock only last a few seconds before narrowing her eyes at him. She slapped her hand across his face, making his head turn from the impact and leaving a red hand print.

"Fuck you!"

"Leave." Brian yelled getting in her face. "Pack all your shit up and fucking leave"

"Fine" She yelled back throwing her hands up in the air. "Fuck you!" she screamed running upstairs.

"Sorry sweetie" Brian smirked as he looked up the stair case. "Not anymore. Find a new person you can gold dig off of."

"Fuck you!"

Brian smirked as he heard a door slam shut. He placed the bottle back up to his lips taking another drink, as he walked into the living room. He sat in the black leather chair and pulled the leg rest up. He leaned back and flicked on the TV. Turning it to a music station.

After a good two hours Michelle came back down stairs with her last box, the rest already in her car.

"Bye Bitch!" Brian yelled with a small laugh, when he heard her huff and slam the front door shut.

A small smile crept onto his face when something dawned on him.

One down. One to go.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dedicated to A_Dirty_Syn

you can thank her and her I mean comments that made me updated! GO YOU!!!

15+ comments = update
