Please Turn Back The Time


September 11, 2001 8 A.M.

“Morning.” A girl with short choppy brown hair greeted me from behind the counter she was working.

“Morning.” I smiled back at her. As I moved closer I noted that her name tag read Jamie.

“What can I get you?” she asked.

“I’ll take a tall mocha.” I told her as I dug in my purse for my wallet.

“Okay.” She said as she rung it up. “That will be $4.25.” I nodded handing her the appropriate amount of money. “Alright, just give me a minute to make it.”

“Only employee in today?” I asked as she turned around. She nodded her head and I noticed a tattoo was inked across her neck.

“Yeah, this place isn’t what it used to be.” She told me. She was right most people went to Starbucks around the corner, for a quick coffee fix.

“Yeah.” I sighed. She reached over more and her hair turned with her giving me full view of her tattoo.

A deathbat.

“Here you go.” She smiled handing me my drink.

“Thank You.”

“Your welcome and enjoy.”

I nodded as I sipped my coffee to the exit. My brown knee high leather boots clanked against the New York pavement as I walked towards NYU.

A deathbat.

HmmHmmmHmmmmHmmm Hmmmm Hmmmm Hmmm

I took another sip of my mocha as my head began to sing that song again.


The voice was so familiar to me, ever since I was a freshman in high school. Even two years later the voice still spoke with the same amount of love as it did back then.

I moved my head from its place on his shoulder and looked into his chocolate eyes. He smiled at me and kissed my forehead. “I love you.”

I smiled at him “I love you too, Brian.”

He kissed my lips softly and when he pulled away he rested his forehead on mine. “You look gorgeous.”

I blushed at his words and looked down at my silver heels that where hidden underneath my baby blue dress. Tonight was my junior prom and his senior prom.

My dress was a baby blue floor length gown with a corseted top. I wore the necklace he bought me for Christmas that year. It had a light blue sapphire in the middle of the heart pendent that went well with the dress.

“You look handsome yourself.” I whispered.

And he did. He wore a black tux with a baby blue vest that matched my dress. He looked very nice for this special occasion.


I turned my head and looked at my best friend calling my name. Her curly light brown hair was done up as she bounced her way to me.

“Leana!” I smiled at her. I let go of Brian and hugged her. “Jimmy!” I smiled as I hugged him also.

She held up her camera in front of our faces and I smiled as she clicked the button. “Okay I want one of you and Brian.” She said pushing me into Brian’s arms.

I giggled and looked up at Brian. He smiled back at me before he turned his head to the camera. I smiled and stood up on my tip toes kissing his cheek.

“Aww.” Leana cooed. “You two are so cute together. I cant believe its been two years.”

“Two years and four months.” Brian corrected her. He placed his arms around my waist and locked his fingers on the small of my back.

“Aw! Brian is so cute.” Jimmy laughed.

Brian narrowed his eyes at him. “I’m not cute.”

I laughed. “No you’re just adorable.”

He smiled down at me and kissed my nose. “Nope that’s you.”

I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck.

“Alright kids.” The DJ announced. “This is the last song. Grab your date and hold them close.”

I looked up at Brian and I could feel the small tears in my eyes. Next year he was going to be gone and I had one more year left.

“Are you okay?”

I nodded and rested my head against his chest. “So close.” I whispered.

“Almost believing this was not pretend”


I shook my head and noticed a car was waiting for me to cross the street. I waved my hand and mouthed sorry to him as I walked across the street.

Prom was over and I sat in the limo with my friends. Leana, Jimmy, Matt, Val, Zack and his date and of course my Brian.

“Can you believe it” Val sighed. She was a senior with all of the guys as well, Leana and I were juniors. “We graduate in a month.”

I pouted and looked over at Leana who was doing the same. “Can’t you guys just fail?” she asked.

Jimmy laughed and pulled his girlfriend closer to him. “Fuck no. I can’t wait till were out of that hell hole.”

“Me either.” Brian yawned and placed his arm over my shoulder. “But you two only have a year left.”

“Yeah.” I scoffed. “A year with out you.”

He smiled at me. “Babe, I’m still going to be here just not at school.”

“Yeah, well school is eight hours of my life.”

“You’ll live.”

“And what if I don’t?”

He looked as if he was thinking for a moment before he pouted. “I’d cry.”

“You’re such a girl Brian.” Zack laughed.

“A pretty girl.” Jimmy added.

“I would make a sexy female.” Brian smirked. I rolled my eyes at him and he laughed.
“Just kidding babe I know you like my manliness.”

I blushed at his comment and everyone else laughed. “Is he big?” Leana asked. She always asked me this question in front of Brian. “I bet hes small.”

“Leana I already told you this.” I sighed.

Brian nudged me making me look up at him. “You discuss my size with her?” he looked horrified.

“I had to tell someone and since she’s my BFF she gets to know. Besides.” I smirked and looked at Jimmy. “I know you’re not the only big boy!”

Brian gasped. “You looked at his dick!”

“Ew! No.” Jimmy was like a brother I never had. “Only yours babe.”

“Good.” He smiled and kissed my lips. “You want a peek tonight?”

I blushed. “Only if you’re offering.”

And now you're beside me and look how far we've come. So far we are so close.

HmmHmmmHmmmmHmmm Hmmmm Hmmmm Hmmm
♠ ♠ ♠

Love flashbacks !