Please Turn Back The Time


Huntington Beach, California

Brian Haner watched as the waves crashed on shore of his and his friends spot. He watched as each small ripple clapped against the dry sand then as it pulled it self back into the ocean.

Brian was twenty years old and the famous guitarist known as Synyster Gates. His life consisted of partying, his band, and sex.

Though Brian had a steady girlfriend, Michelle, Val's twin; he was known for his cheating ways. But then again so was Michelle. They both seemed perfect for each other. They both cheat when the other isn't around but love each other when they are together. That was the basis of there relationship.

And no one needed to question it.

But as Brian watched the waves crash, he wonder what life would of been like if he would of stayed. If he didn't leave the way he did. If he would of only been strong enough and not be the coward he was. He's waiting for a second chance, to start over.
But with the way his life worked out he doesn't think he will. I mean his other life is only across the country. But he doesn't think he'll ever get that life back. After all he was the one who fucked up.

Brian walked into his girlfriend house one Tuesday night. He just graduated the Friday before and was now a high school graduate. Finally.

"Katen?" He called into the house. Her parents were at some business meeting letting them have the house to themselves.

"Upstairs." she yelled down. Brian raised an eyebrow as he noticed the sad tone in Katen's voice. She was usually so cheerfully, that this was new to him.

Brian jogged up the stairs and towards the lite up bathroom he was assuming Katen was in. "Katen?" he asked turning into the bathroom.

Katen quickly hide the item in her hands behind her back and looked up at Brian. Brian tilted his head to the side as he watched his girlfriend. She was crying and her eyes were red. She looked like she's been crying for hours. She looked pale, sick, and scared to death.

"Baby?" He asked stepping closer to her. He wanted a better look at what was behind her back. "Whats wrong?"

Katen wiped her eyes with one hand and shook her head. "Nothing." she muttered trying to move past Brian.

"Whats behind your back." he asked suspiciously.

"Nothing." she said walking past him.

"Oh really." Brian said grabbing her wrist and pull it towards him. "Whats-" he stopped mid sentence and stared at the item in her hands. "is that that?"

Katen sighed and pulled her arm away from him. "It's positive."

"Positive." Brian repeated looking into Katen's blue eyes then down at the little pink plus. "Are you sure?"

"Its my fifth one." she told him. "I'm scared." she whispered.

Brian set the stick on the sink and pulled Katen into his body."Me too." he whispered as he kissed her forehead. "But baby will get through it together."

"Promise?" she asked looking up into his brown eyes. He nodded and she hugged him. "This is bad timing?"


"I still have a year left and what if you guys get signed, you'll be gone a lot."

Brian stared blankly at the tile wall in front of him. He forget to mention that they did get signed and were leaving soon. But he didn't want to cause a fight so he kept it to himself.

"Were not signed yet."

"But you will be."

Brian watched as Katen rested soundless next to him. He wasn't able to sleep as his thoughts kept him up.

He wasn't ready to be a dad.

It was at the worst time.

His band was just starting out and they couldn't take care of a baby while he was gone.

He knew of only one thing he could do.

Brian slowed slide out of Katen's bed and stood in front of it. He watched as she took a deep breath and shiver since his body heat wasn't next to her anymore.

Brian's heart sunk as he knew what he was about to do. But he was thinking of himself and the band. He wanted to play his music.

And if that meant leaving then thats what he had to do.

Leave Katen and his unborn child by themselves, with out him.



Brian's eyes left the waves and looked towards the voice calling his name. Jimmy was jogging towards him with a terrified expression on his face.

"Yeah Jimmy?" Brian asked staring up at him.

Jimmy caught his breath, all those cigarettes were finally catching up to him. "Its all over the news."

"What is?" Brian asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Someone crashed a plane into the World Trade Center. Terrorist." Jimmy explained.

Brian's face looked as terrified and scared as Jimmy's did.Like Katen's did that night.

"What." he was able to produce out. "When?"

"At about nine New York Time."

"Wow." was all Brian could mutter out. I mean what was there to say. It happened so fast, so unexpected.

"But Brian, I said World Trade Centers."


"New York?"

"Were are you going with this Jimmy?" Brian asked as he was now confuse.

"Your hopeless." Jimmy sighed. "But maybe you didn't know."

Brian titled his head to the side. "Didn't know about what? Are you on crack?"

Jimmy shook his head. "Not right now." He took a deep breath and looked seriously at his friend. "Her parents work there."



"Jimmy, enough with the games just say her name." Brian asked annoyed with Jimmy just not being forward.

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FINALLY BRIAN SHOWS UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!