Please Turn Back The Time


Huntington Beach, California.

Brian walked in tow as Jimmy opened his house door. His body was going in overdrive since he heard her name again. He thought when he left he was going to see her again but he was never going to get another chance with her. But he never thought that when he came back from tour a year ago, she would be gone. Not only her but her parents were too.

The bright green grass of their lawn had a for sale sign with a sold sticker over it, and a moving truck was in the driveway.

Brian watched as the the movers pulled items of furniture out of the truck from his place on the sidewalk across the street. He didn't know what was happening. He was gone for a year and he just wanted, if nothing else, but a glimpse of her. He wanted to see those bright blue eyes, that were brighter than the stars that lit the sky. He wanted to still make sure she was okay, even without him.

He didn't deserve her anymore. He thought of things to say to her but nothing was good enough. He didn't even think a simple sorry would be right to say to her. Because in reality she deserved more than a sorry.

But the biggest thing he wanted to know was what his kid looked like. Did he have the same brown eyes as him. Was it a girl or a boy? What was his child's name?

"Brian?" Brian turned his head to the person asking for him. He was meet with long curl light brown hair. Leana. "I knew this is where you ran off too."

Before Brian came here, they all were just getting back and settling into down at Matt's house. Chugging back some ice cold beers and remembering about the tour they just got back from. Val came with them from the beginning of the tour and Leana came when she graduated early in January. It was May now.

"They left." she stated as she watched the movers with Brian.

"I see that." he sighed and crossed his arms over his chest.

"They left a month after you guys did." Leana added in a small voice.

Brian looked down at her sadly. Leana was Katen's best friend. He didn't know what he would of done with out his. He wounder how Leana became so strong with out her. He didn't even know how he did it.

"Why?" he asked switching his gaze back over to the movers.

Leana shrugged and took a deep breath. "Her parents thought she needed a change."

Brian sighed and looked down scuffing his right shoe. "Oh."

"If it makes you feel better." Leana added making Brian look up at her. "Grandma Summers still lives here. So there's a chance she might visit."

Grandma Summers was Katen's mom's mom. She was the sweetest old lady that did anything for Katen and her friends. Mostly Jimmy. Jimmy was like another grandchild to her. When Jimmy's parents kicked him out and we found him living in a laundry mat, Grandma Summers gave Jimmy a room in her house to stay.

He nodded and had a small smile on his face. "Yeah maybe."

But she never did.

"Leana!" Jimmy yelled into the two-story house.

"In the kitchen! Sorry can you say that again?" Leana yelled. It sounded like she was having two different conversations.

Brian followed Jimmy as they headed towards the kitchen Leana sat at the island with the phone in hand talking back to the person on the other end. Brian and Jimmy leaned up against the other side of the island listening to her.

"Shes what?!" Leana asked slightly terrified. Brian gave Jimmy a look who only shrugged. "Oh, Is she okay?"

Brian couldn't take the one sided conversation he was listening to it. He wanted to know who was hurt, even though he already knew who.

"So your leaving tomorrow?" Leana paused nodding her head. "Okay. If you need anything just ask.....Alright, bye Grandma Summers." Leana pulled the phone away from her ear and clicked it off. She took a deep breath before looking back up at the guys. "So Grandma Summers is going to New York."

Jimmy nodded. "Is she coming back with Katen?"

Leana nodded her head and sighed looking down at the counter of the island with a sad expression on her face.

"When?" Brian asked eagerly.

Leana held back her tears but let one slip as she looked up at Brian. "Whenever she wakes up."

Brian face went pale and his breath got caught in his throat. "What-What" he stuttered. "Do you mean?"

"She fainted I guess, and hit her head on the sidewalk pretty hard." Leana choked back her streaming tears.

Jimmy walked over his girlfriend and rubbed her back soothingly. "She'll be okay."

Brian watched Jimmy and Leana interact with each other. He watched as Leana placed her tiny hand on Jimmy's and tap it lightly. They both looked at each other with so much love and sadness in their eyes, you knew that they were comforting each other. They were everything Brian wanted and everything Brian didn't have anymore.
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