Please Turn Back The Time



Brian rolled out of his middle bunk and dropped his feet to the floor.


"Stop your fucking yelling! I'm coming!" Brian hissed holding his pounding head in his hands. He walked out to the front of the bus were all his friends and a new addition was.

"Hey Leana" he sighed plopping down into the couch next to Zack.

Leana narrowed her eyes at him and ignored his greeting, continuing her conversation with Val.

"What did you do?" Zack whispered to his hung over friend. Brian looked at him then back at Leana. He shrugged, not really knowing the answer. "Leana?"

Leana and Val stopped talking and turned to look at Zack. "Yeah?"

"Whats with the cold stare you gave Bri?" Zack asked with a small laugh in his voice. Zack was always getting into others peoples business. He loved starting the drama.

Brian nudged him and Zack continued to laugh as Leana glared at Brian. "Yeah, I'm curious to babe." Jimmy said slinging his arm over her shoulders.

Leana continued her glare on Brian but sighed as everyone continued to ask her about it. "Fine." she whispered not letting up on the glares. "I hate Brian, plain and simple."

Brian scrunched his face up at Leana and everyone asked why. Brian didn't know what he did to deserve someone hating him. I mean every night, that he's been on tour, girls thrown themselves at him, and he didn't mind them doing so. I mean he is the newest sex god on the rock market now a days. Who wouldn't throw themselves at him?

"Why?" Brian asked, even through everyone else already did.

"Katen." was all Leana said before she crossed her arms over her chest.

It's been five months since Brian even thought of Katen. No, it wasn't in a mean way that he never wanted anything to do with her again. It was because every time he did, he became all depressed and couldn't concentrate on anything else. He looked towards alcohol and quick fucks to keep her off his mind. And it was working till now.

Everyone was quiet after Leana said. In reality no one thought of her either. Then didn't want Brian to get all fucked up again, like he was the first month of touring. But when they all thought he had forgotten her, even if they didn't know why she need to be forgotten, she was till now.

After a long silence Leana ran her hand through her bangs and sighed. "What happened with you two?"

Brian took at deep breath and looked down at his feet the were propped up on the small table. He didn't know if a lie would of been better than the truth or if truth was better than a lie.

"She didn't tell me." Leana whispered twirling a piece of her hair. Brian looked up at Leana and watched as her features became sad and depressed. Like if they weren't the only people who were forgetting someone. Like Katen, was trying to forget anyone that reminded her of Brian. Even if that was Leana.

"I um" Brian started with the truth but took a deep breath and stared at the floor. "She uh" Maybe the lie would be better. "cheated." he said so lowly hoping no one would hear so he could take it back and tell the truth.

But of course, Zacky heard. "She cheated?" he asked loudly so everyone else could here. Brian nodded softly and twiddled his thumbs.

"Yeah, she cheated. Then I broke up with her." Brian began to work up a lie.

Leana looked at Brian for a second not really at first believing his story. She knew Katen, was in love with Brian. She doesn't get why Katen would cheat on him. But she began to wonder if that's why she left. Did she really cheat on Brian and leave because she couldn't take the way people would see her anymore. The sweet honest Katen would be turn into this lying slut?

Leana took a deep breath and study Brian. She watched as his eyes became full of pain and sadness as everyone said sorry to him and calling Katen names,to make Brian feel better Though she hated the way they called her names she didn't know the truth so all she knew was Brian'slie

"Sorry Bri." Leana whispered looking out the window.

Everyone was now in Jimmy and Leana's house watching and waiting for the phone to ring. Everyone as in Zacky, Matt, Val, Brian and Michelle. Johnny was there to but he didn't know why everyone was watching the phone nervously. He attempted several conversations but he didn't receive anything more than a one word reply.

"Whats up?"

"Nothing." Matt answered.

"Can I get a beer?"

"Yeah" Leana answered.

"Can I turn on the TV."

"Sure." Jimmy answered.

"Mute." Brian answered also.

Johnny looked at his friends curiously as to why they were acting this way. He just didn't get it. He just didn't know.

"Sorry to distract anyone from the inanimate object, but what is wrong with everyone?" He asked placing his beer on the table.

Matt sighed and looked at Johnny. "One of our friends is in New York and" he trailed off looking at Brian and Leana before he looked back at Johnny. "Her parents uh died in the attack."

"Oh. Sorry." Johnny mumbled. Everyone gave him a small nodded in understanding he didn't know anything about Katen.

Michelle was just picking with her fingernails. She didn't really know Katen in high school. All she knew is that she was Brian's girlfriend then but she didn't care then. In fact in high school Michelle and Brian hated each other. But when he came back from tour last year she was there and Katen wasn't.

She took a deep sigh and look at Brian. "Brian can we go I'm tired."

"When the phone rings." he said quickly.

She rolled her eyes and sat up. "No Brian! I want to go home now!"

"Then walk ." he muttered.

"Excuse me!" she yelled smacking the back of his head as she stood up, fuming.

"What the fuck Michelle." Brian yelled grasping the back of his head. "I said when we get the fucking phone call. If you cant wait then walk home! Its a block."

Michelle glared down at him. "Brian I am your girlfriend. Not that has been New York slut who broke your heart and left all her friends because she couldn't take your lifestyle."

Brian glared up at her. "That certainly is calling the kettle black Mich! Who the fuck did I find with you in my bed a month ago?" He yelled getting in her face. "It certainly wasn't me!"

Michelle glared at him. "Fuck you!" she yelled storming out of the house.

Brian plopped back onto the seat angrily as he huffed and went back to watching the phone.

"Sorry Val." he whispered. He knew Michelle would go on and on about this fight with Val, like she usual did.

Val sighed and shrugged her shoulders. "What ever she's a bitch."

Leana looked at Brian suspiciously thinking something over in her head. "Hey Bri."

"Yeah." he sighed annoyed with all this talking, as he stared down at a rip in his jeans.

"I don't get it."

Brian rolled his eyes and looked up at Leana. "Get what?"

"How come your still with Michelle even though she cheated on you?" Leana asked tapping her nails lightly against her thighs.

Brian watched fingers tap before he shook his head. "I don't know because I love her?" he asked more then answered.

Leana nodded her head and look seriously into Brian eyes. "So you didn't love Katen?"

Brian stared at Leana after she said that. Of course he loved Katen. Even when he spent those five months forgetting, Leana came on tour and he's thought of Katen ever since. He was hopelessly in love with Katen.

He could remember everything about her. The way her blue eyes shined, all the memories, their song, the way the pale moonlight hit her face as she slept next to him.

He didn't know if Katen remembered the same things. All he was wishing for was to be able to see Katen again and everything would go back to like it did before he left. He wanted to never leave her that night. He wanted to stay that night and wake up with her, telling her everything would be okay. He wanted to hold her in his arms tonight, unable to forget those bright blue eyes, not forgetting the moment they met his.

Most of all he was wishing to turn back the time.


Brian was cut of by the shrill ring of the phone. Leana took a deep breath before picking up her house phone.

"Hello." she said into the phone biting her nail.

Everyone watched. "Hey Grandma Summers." She nodded her head and answered with a couple of 'yeses' and 'uh huh's'

"So she is okay?" Leana asked. A small smile spread across her pale lips. "When are you coming back?"

"Okay, she you then! Bye"

She hung up the phone and looked around at her friends with a small smile on her face.

"The train takes 2 days to get here from New York." She said. Brian looked at her with a small almost there smile on his lips also. In two days he would see Katen again. "They leave tomorrow. "
♠ ♠ ♠
Brian is a liar! xO!

And I don't hate Michelle. She's to pretty to hate! Damn her! Cuz I really want to hate her since she has Brian!


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