Please Turn Back The Time


"Katen, are you awake still?"

I was laying on my bedroom floor, wrapped up in blankets and a pillow under my head. I turned my head sideways, scanning my eyes at the dark figure next to me, Leana. Leana was laying the same way me was but she was wrapped up in her own blankets.

"Yeah." I whispered. "Whats up."

Leana sighed and placed her arms around her chest, above the blankets. "Do you think." she paused. "That the guys will become famous?"

I stared at Leana's dark figure as I thought about what she asked. The guys, Jimmy and Brian mainly, were all in a band together, Avenged Sevenfold. And in about five months they were graduating and possible going to be big.

"I don't know. I mean I hope they do. They're really good."

"Yeah." Leana sighed with a dreamy smile on her face. "I just feel like sometimes, that when they do get big and famous Jimmy is going to want something better. Something with bigger boobs."

A smile spread across my face. "Leana, like there is anyone with bigger boobs then yours. Jimmy adores you. You have nothing to worry about."

Leana giggled and took a deep breath. "I know, I was just thinking." Leana turned her head to look at me. "Brian adores you too."

I smiled dreamily and closed my eyes. "I hope so."

"He does. Night Katen."

"Night Leana."

"Katen, sweetie. Are you up?"

I was facing the window watching as the Train speed through each city all the way to California. My sunglasses were over my eyes and a had a blanket and pillow surrounding me.

"Yeah." I sighed placing my hand under my chin to keep my head up.

"Okay. Are you hungry?" My grandma asked me. I shook my head. "Are you sure you didn't have break-"

"I'm sure." I interrupted her.

She sighed probably shaking her head at me. I grabbed the string from the shade and tapped it against the window, absentmindedly. "I'm worried about you dear." She whispered.

I turned to answer her but she was already up heading towards the dining cart.

"Katen. I'm worried about you."

I turned around and faced my mom as she came into my new room carrying a box.

"Why?" I asked trying to grab the box from her.

"No I have it."

I sighed heavily and plopped on my bed. Every since I told my parents I was pregnant and what Brian did, they thought it was best for us to leave Huntington and start out fresh, in New York.

"I'm still capable of lifting things."

"I know. I just want to make sure my grandchild gets taking care of nicely." She smiled placing a hand of my stomach.

I rolled my eyes pushing her hand away softly. "I'm only two and a half months along mom. I don't think your going to feel anything." I paused. "Why are you worried?"

"Because your just not yourself anymore."

"Would you be yourself, if your world came crashing down on you?" I asked her.

"Katen." she said sternly. "People like him don't matter anymore."

I sighed and placed my hand on my forehead. "You don't get it mom. I was in love with him and he just said no. He couldn't and left."

She rolled her eyes at me as my dad walked in carrying another box that belonged to me. "Its clothes, were do you want it?"

"By the closet." I told him pointing at it. "Thanks."

"No problem sweetie." he smiled as he kissed my cheek and then left the room.

I sat up on my bed and watched my mom. "I'm going to get more boxes."

I nodded and stared down at my barely there bump. I placed my hand on it and rubbed it softly.

"Don't be anything like your father."

"I'm back, sweetie."

I turned my head and looked at my Grandma who was once again sitting next to me.

"I got you a muffin." she said handing it to me.

I looked down at her hands and pulled my sunglasses to the top of my head. The golden brown chocolate chip muffin filled my nostrils as I breathed in. "Thanks." I said taking it from her. "How much longer?"

"About an hour or two. We entered California only about an hour ago."

I nodded as I took a bit and dusted the crumbs off my fingertips.

"You know." My grandma began with a small smile on her wrinkly face. "they all miss you."

I gulped down my bit and looked at her with wide eyes. "They're back?"

She nodded and tapped my knee. "It will be okay sweetie. Sometimes you just have to leave the past in the past and move on with your life."

I looked down at my stomach and placed my hand over it, tapping it softly. "I don't-"

"Sweetie. I know what you been through. I heard your story, I heard his...a bunch of times." she said with a small laugh, making me look up at her. "And sometimes the only way you can heal is with each other."

I shook my head. "He wasn't there." I spat.

"True." she sighed. "But he also doesn't know."

I glanced back down at my stomach and sighed.

"He would of known, if he was there."

She sighed and shook her head. "Tell me Katen. What hurts more?" she asked as I looked up at her with confused eyes. " Thinking you should hate him? Or knowing that you don't?"

I stared at her for a minute before I narrowed my eyes and tapped my sunglasses down, covering my eyes again. I turned and looked out the window, hand under chin, as her words began to run through my mind.

Why are older people always right?
♠ ♠ ♠
So yeah I updated.

15+ comments = Update!