
Chapter One: The Dead Queen


The trumpets and drums started playing to receive her. The crowd kneeled and she was announced: “Her Majesty, The Queen!”
A perfect figure walked firmly towards her horse, she was wearing a beautiful red dress, the corset embracing her waist. The blond curls fell on both sides of her porcelain face, and a ruby tiara rested upon her head. The Queen mounted her noble steed and kept waving at the people.
A sudden gunshot was heard, and Gina opened her eyes.

“Ms Adams! Could you please pay attention?!”

“I – I – I am so sorry Mrs. Cunningham, I was thinking about the equation you just wrote on the board.”

“That is, ladies and gentleman, a perfect example of how you should not behave in class! Earth calling to Gina Adams, we are in Science class!”

Gina’s face turned almost purple as the whole class started laughing. Her teacher, Mrs. Cunningham had been handing out minutes before the Science quizzes.
While the chubby woman had been trudging around the classroom, Gina had begun daydreaming. She hadn’t even noticed the sheet of paper lying on her desk.
The girl grabbed her bag and carelessly creased the quiz inside of it without looking at the grade.
She new she had failed.

The bell rang announcing the class was over. Gina sank her face in her crossed arms, trying to return to the dream and imagining how wonderful it could be to become a queen, with blond curls and perfect body.
She hated every inch of her.
She wanted to be more attractive; to change her rat-colored hair, her dull brown eyes, and her greasy skin.

“What’s wrong G?” asked Miranda, her best friend.

“Ugh, nothing, it’s not my day, I’m sorry...” she huffed.

“Well, let’s go... we gotta go to the chemistry lab, come on girl.”

“I don’t wanna.” Gina mumbled.

“Well, I’ll be there waiting…” said Miranda, walking away.

Gina watched her friend go, thinking for the eightieth time how perfect she was. Her hair was black as the night, and as long to reach her waist, she owned as well a pair of green eyes that shined like stars.
Nevertheless, both of them were considered too normal at Sycamore High School, they did not belong either to the cheerleaders or to the athletics team. They were plain 16-year-olds waiting for something exciting to happen in their teenager lives.
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Updated :]