
Chapter Eleven: Light & Honesty


Robert and I stood face to face; both still silent, deciding what to say.

“I… need to talk to you”, he muttered doubtingly, “please?”.

“Go ahead”, I evaded his penetrating gaze, focusing on his seductive features, “I’m listening”.

“I believe… that everything… that happened… on the past days… is a complete misunderstanding”, he spoke carefully and choosing the right words.

My blood started boiling in desperation; my mind started formulating millions of situations at a time, expecting the worse. A loud scream held on my lungs, about to escape. My face became red as a pomegranate, and Rob noticed what was happening.

“Wait! No! It’s not what you’re thinking! The thing is… I… you… dammit! Relax, you’re exploding in no time, please, let me explain everything to you”, he was holding my shoulders now, and a worried expression was drawn on his face.

I breathed deeply, “I said, I am listening”

“Well, It’s a long story. You mind if we enter the house? Just so you feel more… comfortable”, he suggested.

I followed the tall guy inside without a word. I threw myself to the couch as we got to the upper level, my head still spinning violently. Robert sat on the floor noiselessly and showed a confused expression on his face, he was definitely having trouble with the situation.

“You see”, he sighed, “as you know, 2008 was a whirlwind of activity for me. My popularity grew violently, and women harassed me like never before”, he was bright red now, “which I have to say, scared me to death”.

I snickered timidly at his words. “I would be disturbed too. I don’t get why nobody has noticed you here, though” I said flatly.

“I’ve learned some professional strategies already”, he hid a big smile, “And I’ve been around you most of the time”.

I snorted again and rolled my eyes, “Yeah, well”

“As I was saying, for a strange reason girls became crazy about me” he said with a disgusted face.


He muttered under his breath, “What?”
“Continue” I bit my lip.

“So I decided to give myself a couple of weeks with one of my few normal friends”, he sighed, “and I met you” sudden light brightened his face. “I noticed then, that it had been long since a girl attracted me this way.”

Crap. So he felt the same way? Interesting…

“The first thing I thought was that you will react just as all the other girls I’ve met”


“What do you mean?” I whispered angrily

“You surely remember what I said to you two days ago. About the stripping and getting-to-know each other”

“’Course” How could I ever forget? Even after all that stupid tears…

“That’s what I’m referring to. Girls back in London and California enjoy that type of guys,” he said shyly

Oh. So after all I was right. He had generalized. Stripping? Oh God.
Silence reigned for a minute. I could hear his heavy breathing.

He suddenly continued, “So… the first thing I thought I should do as I realized I liked you was sort of… seduce you,” he pondered for a moment, “but you suddenly burst in anger as I tried”

“Can I ask something?” I interrupted

“Umm… sure” he stared puzzled

“Don’t you feel awkward seducing a 16-year-old?” I shouldn’t have asked that.

“Not really. I mean, seriously Miranda. Do I look like a 22 almost 23-year-old? I don’t even act like one!” he answered angrily.


“And you don’t look sixteen either” he added promptly. I’ve heard that one before. Even guys my age freaked out when they happened to meet me at parties. “As I was saying, you started to confuse me. For a moment I wanted to throw everything to waste and return home,” I remained silent, “but I realized I liked you very much to leave everything like that.”

Awe, that had touched me, ”I like you too, Robert” a warm smile appeared on his lips. We stared at each other for a long time.
Then he briefly glanced at his mobile, “Shoot, I promised James I would pick him up at Holly’s” he stood up clumsily and kissed my cheek. He hurried down the stairs and yelled a sweet goodbye. I didn’t have time for a reply. The stone inside me had pulverized; I was light as a feather.