
Chapter Four: The Beginning


The fresh night breeze cooled my face, excitement was still cumulated in my stomach, and I could barely believe that I had just met Robert Pattinson.
I clutched tightly the little paper in my fist, his email neatly written on it. I turned my head up to look at the stars; the sky was full of clouds, giving signals of rain, I hurried across the street, heading to my house.

“I’m home!” I yelled as I closed the front door. James’s voice was heard upstairs, I could tell he was playing Xbox at the TV room, as usual.

I dragged my feet to the kitchen and grabbed a mug, turned the coffee maker on and waited a few minutes for it to get done completely. I was about to take a sip of the mocha latte when sudden outbursts of laughter resounded at the second floor. James had company.

I climbed the stairs and turned right. There were two guys playing videogames and facing the screen.
One of them spitted out another laughter, his face was covered with a cushion, and so I could only see the tips of his bright mahogany-colored hair.

“Hey, wanna join us?” said James, as he realized my presence, “We’re playing Guitar Hero again, you won’t believe how bad Robert is, I bet you can squash him down”. The boy next to him had now uncovered his outrageous perfect face, and was smiling widely at me.

My heart dropped to the floor. I couldn’t speak, although I wanted to. I glared at him for a long minute and could barely hold the coffee on my hand.

“Is something wrong?” asked Robert, starting to worry at my gawk.

“Uhm… no! Absolutely not, I was just surprised. I didn’t expect you here.” I answered, my face now red.

“He will stay with us until March 23, he’s departure date. He wants to feel like at home and as far as possible of paparazzi.” muttered James.

“That’s great! You’re taking Cindy’s room, I suppose.” I said.

"Well yes, that’s the idea, up to now. I am so pleased to stay with such a beautiful family, I will owe you for a lifetime!” he replied in a playful tone.

Cindy was my older sister; she had been gone for college for two years now. Her room had remained intact since the day she had left.

“Well… err… then I can’t see why I don’t join you at the game, I’m pretty good at it, actually,” I giggled and took a seat right next to Robert, grabbing the fake guitar.

As James restarted the game they had paused, I played with the edges of the device I had in my hands, my mind saturated with thoughts.

My hands moved swiftly along with the music, I knew by heart this track. I could feel Rob’s stare, his eyes still, watching every movement carefully.

When the round ended, I handed James the guitar and shook my hands to avoid numbness.

“I feel quite beaten, you know? I thought you were good, but I couldn’t imagine a girl playing in such an amazing way like you just did.” said Robert.

“I play frequently with James… I think practice leads to success.” I answered stupidly all blushed-up.

“That’s right, I agree.” he said, repeating the intense stare on me.

“What is it?”

“Oh well, I think you own the most beautiful pair of eyes I’ve ever seen...” he said softly.

“You are a Hollywood star! I bet you’ve seen lots of eyes like mine, nothing new…” Stupid, stupid, stupid. My heart beat unsteadily as I stopped breathing again.

“Oh God, knock it off! I’m still around!” cried James.

Robert reached the tips of my fingers. I started trembling uncontrollably, and he drew the smile on his face.
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