
Chapter Six: Envy and a pint of ice cream


“That you did what?!” cried Gina

“What you heard… I can’t believe it either!”

“But… how? I mean, I’m so happy for you, but you’ve got to give details!” said Gina, lowering her voice.

“Err… he kept saying how beautiful I was, and I fell asleep in his arms eventually… just like in a movie.” Miranda said sighing.

“Oh. Uh, well, it’s so cool, Rob Pattinson kissed my best friend!” she said with a fake smile.

Gina found out that her expectations were right; Miranda had discovered the excitement path, leaving her behind.

She felt like crap.

The reduced self-esteem inside her had collapsed at the news. Tears started dripping down her face without her noticing, and she felt the loneliest person alive.

The girl dragged her feet across the streets, trying to wipe out of her mind the pictures of Miranda and Rob’s kissing.
Not even the pint of chocolate ice cream could comfort her. She cried all afternoon-long, and gave up pain, falling asleep.

She was sitting alone on a green and beautiful field, surrounded by the sweet smell of daises and poppies. Her skin was white as snow, and the sunrays could go through it.

Robert Pattinson was standing in front of her, peaceful as always, smiling gently. She could feel the tension running through her body.

Miranda chuckled behind her. With a sudden cringe she protected her head, and Miranda went through. She was invisible, a phantom. The couple started hugging beyond her eyes. Everything turned black, and she screamed in desperation.

“Crap…I hate dreams!”

“My God, Gina, are you ok?” yelled Leah from her room

“Yes, I mean, no, but…GAH! Just leave me alone!” answered Gina

“Fine… I was trying to help! Fucking maniac…stop crying then! Sleep or something.”

“Shut up! Mind your own business!”

Leah was Gina’s supposed stepsister. “Supposed” because they didn’t seem at all alike. She was as tall as almost anyone at school, slim, brunette, and way too smart.

For eyes she had some brown chocolate pools every guy seemed to get lost in, and each time her eyelashes whipped open, a hurricane unleashed somewhere. But apart from all of that, she did love Gina. She tried to help her whenever she needed to, and was there for her anytime.
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