Bambi Killer

Chapter I - What's that smell?

“Babe!” Johnny yelled walking into the house and slamming the door behind him. He was stressed, tired, and horny after a long week of trying to help Jimmy plan his wedding. All he wanted was a hug, a kiss, and shower sex.

“In here!” Brian yelled from the kitchen over the fan that was running. “How’d it go?”

“Like you really have to ask.” Johnny kicked off his shoes and sat on the couch. “It’s hopeless I swear that guy has no sense. I don’t see how she would let him plan their wedding.” Johnny vented lying back on the couch. “Did you have a nice manly man week with Matt?” He said changing the subject.

“Uh, yeah we had fun.” Brian answered nonchalantly. “We took the guns out for a while and went up to Wyoming for a few days.”

“Bri you know how I feel about hunting, I don’t want to now about it.” Johnny said walking into the kitchen and wrapping his arms around Brian.

“I know sorry.” He replied kissing Johnny on the head and turning back to his cooking.

“What are you making anyways?” Johnny question peering into the pan.

“Sausage.” He poked the meat with a fork rolling it onto the other side to cook.

“Oh, what kind is it?” Johnny questioned sniffing the air. “It smells kind of bad; I don’t want you getting sick now.”

“Deer.” Brian said turning to face Johnny not quite looking him in the eyes.

“You’re cooking Bambi!” Johnny screeched pushing away from Brian with a look of absolute terror on his face.

“Babe it’s not Bambi. It was a buck, that’s a male deer.” Brian spoke attempting to calm Johnny.

“Brian Bambi was a guy“Johnny said stressing the last word strongly. He turned and stalked away from Brian.

“I’m sorry Johnny come back. If I promise not to eat it will you stop being mad.” Brian pleaded with his retreating figure. All he was met with was a slamming door. Brian turned the oven off and dumped the meat in the dog’s dish. He walked down the short hallway to his and his lover’s room. He knocked on the door and was met with nothing but silence. He tried the door knob but it was locked. “Sweetheart let me in” Brian asked sweetly.

“No!” Johnny yelled.

“Please, I love you and I’m sorry.” Brian begged.

“No!” Johnny yelled but Brian could hear his voice getting closer and then the faint click of the door getting unlocked.

“Love, I’m coming in now.” Brian warned pushing open the door. The second he walked in a video was thrusted in front of his face.

“Apologize to Bambi.” Johnny said not moving the box.

Brian just rolled his eyes. “I am not apologizing to a movie cover.”

“Do it or the lube gets it!” Johnny said bringing his hand out from behind his back that Brian had just noticed. Johnny flicked his thumb and the tube opened on the top.

“Ok! I’m sorry Bambi that I shot and killed you, then tried to eat you for dinner.” Brian said to the video.

“Good now let’s put this lube to use.” Johnny said grabbing Brian by surprise and pushing him onto the bed dropping the movie in the process. Johnny leaned down and captured Brian’s mouth in a searing kiss. Brian moved to slide his hands down Johnny’s back but he was swatted away. “Just kidding!” Johnny teased pecking Brian on the nose and dancing of to the bathroom.

“Jerk!” Brian yelled after him. He may have his moments but Brian loved Johnny for it, no matter how strange he may be.
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I'm only testing the waters right now. This is just a collection of drabbles that will be updated very infrequently.