
Benson Manor

“On all hallows eve at the stroke of midnight, a door opens releasing creatures of our wildest imagination.” Miles said as the three of us walked along the child covered street, flashlight held closely underneath his chin. Casting a small ray of light making him look evil and weird at the same time.
Rolling my eyes at him I took the flashlight and shut it off. Nick just laughed like it was the funniest thing they had ever seen.
“Hey I was having fun with that.” Miles protested squeezing through a couple kids that were standing in the middle of the side walk, going through the candy they had in their bags. I thought it was kind of crazy, kids going up to random houses and getting free candy. I mean there were to many weirdo’s in this world.
“So where are we going again Lynn?” Miles asked chin length blond hair blowing in his face from the cold nights wind.
“Yeah Lynn where we going?” Nick said throwing his arm around my shoulder, the chains on his black pants clanking together as he walked along side me. A huge crooked grin slapped across his white face.
I thought for a minute should I tell them, I mean about an hour ago I had just called them all over to my place, telling them we were going out for a midnight stroll.
“We’re going to the old Benson manor up on the hill.” I said noticing as the minutes passed there was less and less children out.
Miles was the first to say something, which I already knew he would be. Even when there is nothing to say he still has to have a small remark or his last word in.
“You mean that old abandoned place that’s..........haunted.” He laughed a loud deep cracking laugh.
I knew Miles wouldn’t protest anything that had the word haunted, spooky, scary, horrifying, etc.
He those were the sort of things he lived and breathed for.

Nick didn’t protest either he just laughed a little, not really caring what we did, he was the more laid back guy didn’t mind anything. Just as long as he could be with his two best friends he always said.
“Look guys were almost here.” I said pointing to the hug old house.
“Yeah we just need to get up the hill.” Nick said fallowing close behind me.
“That’s if we even make it that far, without the monsters getting us.” Miles said as serious as if he was asking for a glass of water.
I shook my head slightly a small smile on my face. Nick flipped him off saying.
“Hopefully they take you first.”
“I’m hurt you would say that.” Miles said graving a hold of his heart and starting to cry.
After a moment of this he stopped his little charade, as we made it up the drive way to the iron gates of the manson.
Man one of us was going to have to jump it.
I thought but before I could open my mouth to say anything I notice the gate was open a slit crach, well i guess we wont have to jump it after all.
Nick pulled on the gate opening it just enough for us all to squeeze are way in and out.
Making our way up to the front door we stopped. Glancing around seeing nothing in the pitch black darkness that surrounded us. Looking up the endless sea of black sky hung lifelessly above us not a start in sight. But the moon was full and served as a giant flashlight giving this god forsaken small town some light.
“Lady’s first.” Miles said pointing to one of the broken side windows signaling for her to enter.
Not saying a word Nick jumped in first disappearing into the house.
Fallowing after him I made my way in throwing a leg over then pulling my way through.
Once I was inside I glanced around for Nick, not seeing him anywhere.
He must have went off into the next room to check it out.
Hearing a soft thump I turned around to find Miles laying on the floor. Sticking out my hand for him to take it I said.
“Well aren’t are we an expert at breaking and entering.”
Miles just gave her a big smile and then signaled for her to hush.
“Quit we don’t want to disturbed the goons and ghouls, now do we?” But yet again his face said dead serious, but I knew him long enough to know he was just trying to get under my skin.

"The only goon in this place is you Miles."
“Now let’s find Nick.” I said turning away from Miles and heading towards the door, that must have lead off to the next room.
This place is so cold I thought, zipping up my Jacket.
But it was amazing,if you thought the place was huge on the outside, wait till you got to see what ws on the inside. I stood in front of the stare case that lead off in two different directions. Who would leave a place like this abandoned this was my dream house.
Of course it needed a little fixing up but all in all it would be a beautiful place to live in.
“Isn’t it beautiful Miles?” I asked him in a whisper of words.
Miles didn’t reply though all was silent.
“Miles?” I said glancing over my shoulder to see a blond head disappear down the basement steps.
Cursing silently under my breathe I fallowed him quickly making my way to the stares.
Opening up the door to the basement I looked down.
It was pitch black not a light in sight, how the hell Miles made it down without falling was beyond me.
“Miles get back up here now.” I spoke into the darkness hoping he could hear me.
I waited patently for him to reply but didn’t get anything, now he was really irritating me.

“LYNN HELP!!!” Miles voice rang up from the basement.
My body froze, I really didnt want to go down there. But I couldn't turn around and leave him either. Taking a deep breathe, I made my way down the stares as fast as I could, without falling.
Finally at the bottom I stopped.
“Miles were are you I can’t see anything?” I whispered moving my hands out in front of me.
Every part of me iched to just turn around and go back. Swallowing my fear, I took a step forward. I stopped listening for the sound of Miles voice.
Then out of no where I felt something run up behind me and grip my waist picking me up off me feet.
Screaming for my life I started kicking and elbowing the thing holding me.
“Ah damn Lynn. That hurt.” Nick’s voice rang out in the room after I was dropped onto the floor. Then next to him a light went on Miles was holding the flashlight pointing it at Nick’s face.
“Did we scare you?” Miles asked in a deep haunted voice rolling his eyes into his head he laughed a nasty cackle this time.
Still trying to catch my breathe, I stood up from the dusty dirt covered floor.
"You guys are pricks." I said giving them a nasty scowl and turning towards the stairs.
Only to be stopped once again.
“Well what brings you here?” A males voice asked.
“That’s enough Miles.” I said glancing over my should at him but he had the flashlight on his face and in the dim shadow I could see Nick.
Neither one of their mouths were moving.
“Haha we haven’t had guest in so long, it’s quit a treat.” The voice rang out again.
Frozen were I stood I listened closing trying to pin point were the voice was coming from.
But it only seemed to echo around the room.
“I guess you will have to stay for dinner.” This time the voice laughed as he spoke the word dinner dragging out the r a bit.
“Who is there?” I asked really wishing I could see in the dark right about now.
“What is your name pretty girl?” This time the voice was a low whisper in my ear, it was soothing and warm but yet cold as the words wrapped around my mind.
“Lynn.” I replied without even thinking about it, I can’t believe I just told him my name what the hell was wrong with me.

“Such a nice name.” I could feel fingers slowly trail down the small of my back, a small gasp escaped my lips but I didn’t run from it I was stuck there it was like my feet were glued to the floor. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Miles and Nick were gone from were they had stood before.
“Nick, Miles?” I was barely able to get their names out of my mouth.
“Oh don’t worry about them dear they are in good hands, good hands indeed.” The voice laughed I could feel the hand slowly grasp my neck leaning in, I knew the face behind the voice was no more then inches from my face.
Wanting so badly to run to scream, something I need to get away from here, I needed to find Miles and Nick.
As I opened my mouth to speak I felt soft lips press down on my chin, I was a bit startled but still I was unable to move, frozen were I stood. The lips slowly made their way down my chin to my neck, I tipped my head back slightly, not knowing why I was letting this happen or go on.
From some place in the room I heard a muffled scream, then another one.
Tears I could feel hot fresh tears falling down my cheeks in fear, Miles and Nick were screaming I knew it was them, but I didn’t couldn’t do anything about it.
“I can feel the blood running through your veins my pretty Lynn.” The voice spoke one last time before I felt something sharp pierce my throat.
Whimpering out in pain a little I closed my eyes, holding them tightly shut, listening to the sound of Miles and Nicks screams in the near distance.
Everything around me just went blank and before I was swallowed by complete darkness, one word was repeating it’s self through my head.
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Bleh this was no good.
But I still hope you liked it.