Status: On Hiatus with this for now.

Snowed In

Get Over It

I looked out the brown, wooden-framed window and sighed. You’d think that on New Year’s Eve there’d be at least some excitement. But so far for this year, there was none. Here I sat, in my room, by myself, with the television, computer, radio, and lights on. Usually, they would all be sufficient distractions, but today, I barely noticed it. I sat on the window sill and watched as the snowplow swiftly cleaned off my street. I was like that for the next hour, not paying any attention to all of the excess background noise. Then suddenly, I heard my dog start to bark, and stared as a slick, black, stretch limo stopped in front of my house. It felt strange to watch the cabbie walk out of the limousine, but felt even stranger when he walked up my front lawn. My first thought was,” I guess the parents are going out, instead.”

That part made no sense, though. Didn’t my parents say we were having a party? I guess not. I reluctantly got up from where I was sitting, and turned everything off. I felt bad for wasting the electricity, and lit a candle in the absence of light. I somberly made me way downstairs to find out what was up. As I got to the living room, I heard talking coming from the back porch. I walked in without thinking, and saw my mother and step-dad talking to the cabbie.

“We’ve been to every house down this street and no one has helped us, or even has the knowledge to. You see I’m the chauffeur for-” RIIINNNGG. I jumped a foot off the ground and placed my hand over my heart. The telephone went off. Damn it, what now? I was just about to find out what was going on. I picked it up with my left hand, tapping my right irritatingly on the green, marble-head counter. I grunted a little too loudly as I heard my boyfriend’s voice on the other end of the line. Well technically after yesterday, my ex-boyfriend.

“Look Kris, you can’t ignore me forever. It was a mistake, I know but please, I am so, so completely sorry. You know I only have eyes for you,” Jeremy pleaded.

“Um, first of all, yes I can. You hurt me so badly, and I don’t even think you know to what extent you’ve hurt me at. You cheated. And on top of that, you got her pregnant. You can’t get more messed up than that. I mean, come on, if you loved me as much as you claim you do, then we wouldn’t be having this problem right now. Look Jeremy, we’re done. Get over it,” I said calmly and controlled.

I slammed the phone down and took a deep breath. This was too much for me at the moment. I decided to push it towards the back of my mind, and turned around. A guy about the same height as me, was standing in front of me. He wore dark blue jeans, a black t-shirt, and a black suit jacket, with a baseball cap and sunglasses covering his face. My mind didn’t even register that he was listening in to my conversation. The first thing I said was, “You’re wearing that on New Year’s Eve?”

Whoever he was, cracked a smile and chuckled. “Well, miss Power Rangers, I don’t think you’re ensemble is fit for tonight either,” he responded with a heavy British accent.

I raised my eyebrow. “You’re British?”

“Well you sure get off topic quickly, and yes I am,” he said laughing.

I blushed a little at his statement, but quickly recovered.

“Who are you?” I asked with full curiosity lingering in my mind. This guy had to have come in the limo. Why else would he be in here? My thoughts were cut short. If he was here, then he’d have to be someone important, or famous. I shook that off and just figured that he probably had a rich family and was visiting. He started to take off his cap, but was stopped midway by a, ”What are you doing?”

The cabbie looked a little annoyed, but his rosy cheeks turned their normal beige color again.

“We don’t even know what’s going on yet, sir,” he continued, acting more fatherly than chauffer-like. My mother walked out of the back porch and stood defiantly beside my step-dad.

“Well as you know, we’re having ourselves a little shindig this evening. My husband will be happy to offer you a ride to the mechanics. You are both welcome to stay the night. It is, after all, New Year’s Eve.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I have no idea where I got the inspiration for this from.
<3 Just a kind of spurr of the moment kind of thing.