Ice Cold


Why did they have to do this to me and not Dan?

That was all Ed could think as he sat in the, now moving, red car. He was sat in the back seat, squished between his younger brother and his friend, Alex Davies. He had no idea why they had let Ali drive, he had got them lost numerous times already. Sighing, he proceeded to elbow his brother in the stomach and give him an evil glare.

There was cheer from the front passenger’s seat. Ali Paul had finally found his way to the airport. Ed Minton continued to cheer from the front seat, patting Ali on the shoulder as he found a place to park. Alex looked at his watch.

“We’ve got just under an hour,” he said, “Let’s get going.”

Bundling themselves out of the car, they each grabbed their suitcases from the boot. It was still raining. After making sure the car was locked they ran into the airport, towards the check in desk.

Upon reaching the desk, they sighed when they caught sight of the departure times.

9:30 flight to Niagara Falls International Airport has been delayed

“Brilliant,” Alex said, punching the air.

After checking in, they headed to the departure lounge. Each of them sat on one of the cold plastic seats, waiting for the signal to board.

5 minutes later and Ed Hetherton had begun to get bored. There was no sign of his plane so he decided now was the time to, at least try, dry his clothes. He stood up but not before telling the others where he was going, so they didn’t think he was ditching them. Then made his way towards the men’s room.

It was almost completely empty which shocked him. Spotting the hand dryers, he wandered over to them. He held his t-shirt under one of them in hope that it would dry soon. At first it felt the need to not work. Hitting it lightly and then with increasingly more force, he managed to move it into action. The wave of warm air emitting from the dryer immediately began to warm both his t-shirt and the flesh beneath it.

Minutes passed and it was still slightly damp. Leaning on the wall, he glanced into the mirror. His hair was reallyshort gone and he knew it would take some getting used to. Something caught his attention in the reflection. Looking at it closely, it seemed like a face. He immediately looked behind him and almost screamed.

There, stood no more than 2 metres away, was a person. He had not seen this person enter the room nor heard him. The person continued to stand as still as a statue. Usually Ed would have asked what he was staring at but he daren’t this time, for he had realised that person happened to be ever so slightly transparent.

In seconds he had forgotten about his t-shirt and was running as fast as he could out of the toilets. Not even looking over his shoulder once.

Skidding to a halt by his friends, he sat down in his original seat. His mouth was slightly open as he sat there in silence, not moving an inch. Much like his transparent partner had been. It wasn’t long before his friends noticed.

“What’s up with you Teds?” Dan said, laughing at his brother’s vacant expression, “You look like you’ve just seen a ghost.”
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After an extremely long wait...the chapter

Sorry about the badness
Becky's amazing-ness next