Ice Cold


They finally reached their destination. To Ali it had felt much longer than it actually was. Dan had irritated him so much that he had almost given the, still rather hyperactive, boy a black eye.

“Dan,” Ali screamed, causing many heads to turn, “How can you be this hyperactive, still?”

“You obviously don’t know him that well,” Ed laughed, relaxing in one of the airport seats.

Alex and Minton had somehow been delayed. Ali, Dan and Ed had been waiting several minutes already and there was no sign of them.

“When do you think they’re going to stop...?” Dan started, unable to sit still.

“Don’t even finish that sentence Dan,” came a voice from behind them, “Or you will regret it.”

The three men spun around in their seats and found themselves looking at two, rather flushed looking, friends.

“Looks like you two got some action,” Dan smirked, moving away slightly.

“Unfortunately,” Alex sighed, “We didn’t get action in the way we wanted.”

“What happened?” Ed questioned as the others shot them puzzled looks.

“Minto here,” Alex said, slapping Minton across the back of the head, “decided it would be a brilliant idea to insult the girl we were sat with.”

“I didn’t mean to,” he said defensively.

“Sure you didn’t,” Alex smirked, “Anyway, this girl must have had a boy with her or something, because all of a sudden we had a huge bloke chasing us.”

Dan, Ed and Ali looked at each other before bursting into fits of giggles. Not laughter. Pure giggling.

“It was scary,” Minton added, glaring at the giggling men.

After giving them a few minutes to recover, they headed off to collect their luggage. It was then that the ghostly figure shot back into Ed’s mind.
♠ ♠ ♠
A short, terrible chapter
Becky always seems to write WAY better chapters than me