Ice Cold


"Oh come on, this is getting ridiculous!"

"What is?" Dan looked at his brother with a confused expression on his face at the odd statement his brother had just made.

"Urm... Alex and Minto..." Teddy quickly swallowed and gave Dan his fakest smile and the first reasonable response that came to mind.

"Why they're not doing anything amazing..."

"Exactly, they're like vegetation, I want my bag..." Teddy muttered and then added under his breath, "So I can get the hell out of this building...."

This time it was a younger guy.

A younger guy who was just sitting on top of one of the airport signs staring at him, a younger guy who was glowing slightly, but was still see through.

He was wearing a hoody and a pair of swim shorts as he sat forlorn and alone atop the sign, smiling as he stared. It was unnerving.

"What are you staring at wierdo?" Ali muttered and pushed Teddy forward, "Let's get out of here!"

Teddy sighed and grabbed his baggage, and ran outside.

He dumped his stuff in the hotel room, having once again been lumbered with sharing a room with his brother and wandered over to the window with a small sigh since when was he delusional?

Perhaps this stupid holiday would do more harm than good.

He sighed and ran a hand through his nigh non existant hair and then his rubbed his tired face in a vain attempt to wake himself up.

Alex couldn't have been anymore of an angel when he popped his head around the door whilst Dan wasjerking off in the toilet.

"We're off to get completely pissed... wanna come?"

Teddy snickered and stood up, "What about Dan?"

"What about Dan?" Alex laughed and gestured for him to hurry up, "He's a big boy he can survive by himself... plus, I'm pretty sure Ali never want's to see him again."

"That's nice..."

"Stop being silly Ed, let's go! There's a taxi awaiting us and hopefully a load of fit girls, depending on where we go."

"Fair enough." Teddy grinned and shoved his wallet into his pocket, grabbed his leather jacket and ran out of the room, locking the door behind him...