Nuclear America

Meet Simmons

Everyone stared up at me for a moment, but then shielded their eyes from the sun. After sitting in the dark for the entire length of my battle, their eyes took a while to adjust to the light. When they could see properly again, I introduced Simmons to the rest of the group. Simmons nodded and stood there. Everyone was astounded by the fact that I had brought one of the soldiers back here with us, but even more astounded by the fact that he wasn’t attacking any of us. I told them the story of the battle and how Simmons came to join our group. Sean was the most suspicious of him, he thought that Simmons planned to double-cross us and kill us in our sleep. The thought had never occurred to me, but now I wondered why he had come along so reluctantly. We all turned to Simmons and looked at him for a moment. I figured that he wouldn’t raise a finger against us, seeing me in battle and not even knowing the vengeance I would unleash upon him for killing one of my friends. He shakily looked back at each of us, and asked me if it was really okay for him to stay with us. I told him that it was fine, and glared at Sean. He glared back and stalked away from the group, muttering,
“I still don’t trust him and I never will…” I figured that he would come to accept Simmons as a part of the group eventually, but right now we was suspicious of anyone outside of our group.
Sienna healed Simmons’ back wound and he was just as amazed at her ability as we were. Everyone showed off their powers to Simmons and he was highly impressed. It took him a while to get used to the daily training and everyone fighting each other. He got into the routine of sparring with Sean and I, increasing each of our skill levels.
At this point we were no match for the “Conqueror Clan,” but we were slowly getting stronger. We also had no idea that the other clan existed, or of Gunshin’s slaughter. If we had known that they were coming, we would have trained as hard as we could. We were in for an unpleasant surprise.