Nuclear America

Nikki's prediction, confrontation

Nikki sprang up out of her bed, screaming in the middle of the night. Sienna and Rebecca jumped out of their own beds and ran to Nikki’s, thinking she was being attacked. She sat back in her bed, sweating, and told the girls what she had seen.
Nikki had dreamt that we were having training, and a group of nine people stood on the horizon line, distinctly our age or a little older. The boy in the middle raised his hand, and blades sliced through all of our heads. After the blade had gone into her head, she woke screaming. She thought that this was a sign and it would happen to us. Despite her prediction, we ignored her and continued our daily routines.
It was a normal day in all respects, good weather, everyone happy. Sean and Simmons were sparring, Joey, who had discovered many things to do with his power, was currently running up trees, Devin and Ollie were fighting once again, and now Rebecca had joined in. Sienna, Joe and I were lounging around watching the others calmly, but Nikki was quite timid. She kept on jerking her head around at the slightest sound and wouldn’t calm down no matter what anyone, even Sean, said. The sun was setting, so we decided to go in and get some sleep. All of us walked back to the houses, but Nikki remained where she was. She had a look of complete horror on her face, and shakily she raised her hand and pointed to where she was looking. We followed the pointing finger to find nine figures standing on the horizon line, roughly our age.
Nikki screamed. She screamed as loud as possible, and then ran away from the kids, total fear clouding any thought she might have had. Sean fell to the ground, burying his ears with his palms; he could not stand her yelling so loudly. Her dream had come true, so we were all destined to die here. I glared at this thought and started to run to the kids. The boy in the middle raised his hand, and I pulled the Colt 45 out of my pocket, and for the first time, fired it. The bullets flew towards our attackers, but were stopped by a wall of blades coming out of the ground. The bullets hit the blade-wall and dropped to the ground. Astounded as I was of this power, I smiled. Now he was focused on me, and probably wouldn’t go for the others. I didn’t know just how powerful this group was, but I attacked anyways; I figured as long as they couldn’t hurt me at all, I would be fine. As I neared closer, I noticed the exact features of my opponents. Out of the nine, there were only two girls, one of which was wearing a long dress while the other had jeans and a T-shirt. Most of the boys had the same clothes, jeans and T-shirts, except for two of them. One of the standing-out boys had a bloody combat vest with jeans on, an odd combination at best, and the other wore all black, had long hair which covered his eyes and a solemn look on his face. They all stared at me as I drew nearer. When I was practically on them, I looked back at the houses. I was relieved when I saw nothing, no one standing there. I turned back to my opponents and stood where I was. They looked at me once again and then the gothic kid spoke up. His voice was soft and filled with despair.