Nuclear America

Coop vs. Jenny

Matt was the first to recover from the impact of my statement. He walked foreword and Matt was the first to recover from the impact of my statement. He walked foreword and announced,
“Well, I guess I’ll be your opponent.” He readied himself, but was sent into the ground by a foot to the back of his head. Jenny stood there, her foot planted on Matt’s face, arms crossed on her chest.
“I’m gonna be the one to fight you, kid, it looks like you’re good.” I was stunned by her quick statement, but readied myself nonetheless. She dragged Matt back to where the others were, patted him on the shoulder, and came back to me. I couldn’t bring myself to hit a girl, so I didn’t know how to approach the battle. I figured I could draw it out and wait until she was tired out and collapsed on her own, but that would take too long. In the end I guessed I would hit her only once; that would be enough, if even a weak hit. She walked over to me with a confident smile, and extended her hand towards me. Dazed, I shook her hand and readied myself.
She made wide movements with her hands and columns of dirt rose from the ground. They were launched at me, and I punched through them. I remained standing there, but two boulders rose from the ground this time. I stared at them, then sighed and braced for impact. They were both launched at the same time, and it took some effort to catch them, but I managed somehow. My fingers dug deep into the rocks, and I fell to the ground. After the rocks stopped moving, I let go of them and got back up, but fell back down again, tearing the plants clinging onto my pants. Weeds grew up from the ground and curled around my legs surprisingly tightly. I ripped them off, but they kept on growing faster than I could get them off. They crawled up my entire body, enclosing my chest, then strangling my arms, plastering them to my sides. I figured that she meant to suffocate me, and I couldn’t do anything about it. I tensed up, waiting for the weeds to encompass my entire body, and they came with the ferocity of a constricting snake. I struggled to breathe, found some air, and gulped in. There wasn’t enough air for a long time, and I soon went unconscious.