Status: Hiatus

Not Loving You Is Harder Than You Know

Let It Go

We sat there, both staring at each other, not quite sure what to do, what to say. The silence was both awkward and comforting, afraid I might say something I'd regret further. Id had enough of just starring at her beautiful face. I had to tell her. I had to confess my undying love. It didn’t matter that she had more than one lover. I wanted her so badly. I needed her. Max walked in and I lost my chance yet again. Would she ever find out how I truly felt? I looked down at my fiddling hands. Why was I such a coward? Here I was basically handing her off to my best friend. I should do something. I knew he liked her also. I'm sure he would be a better boyfriend than I was.

I watched Max take her hand and help her up. She placed a hand on my shoulder as they passed. Her fingers grazed my shoulder and slipped down until they were gone with her out the door. Max gave a small smile and then they were gone. The last I'd see of my best friend and the love of my life.

"not loving you is harder than you know…"
♠ ♠ ♠
So, at first this was only going to be a one-shot
but i decided a few chapters wouldn't be so bad. x)

Obviously this story is going to be about Craig mabbit, singer in Escape the Fate, But Max Green will also be in it.
i haven't found many ETF stories on here so i figured this would be a good chance to get one noticed out there. x)

tell me what you think so far!
and if you know of any good ETF stories out there ;)

Title/lyric credit - Escape the Fate