Who am I and why do you have fangs?

And let the numerous stupid things that you can do

Nixie's P.O.V.

A howl came from downstairs. Tristan's face paled noticeably, which is hard seeing, as he is already pale. He glanced at me and I saw the fear in his eyes. There is only one person that could scare him that much.
"Werewolf," I whispered.
Tristan nodded his head. I jumped off the bed and rushed out of the room. Tristan followed me closely. When we came to the stairs Tristan ran in front of me and down the stairs before I could even blink my eye. I ran after him. The scene before me was horrifying.
Sam and Luke were fighting with three werewolves. Casi was now backed in a corner surrounded by five werewolves. Tori was trying to fight her way towards Casi but every time she got past one werewolf another one took its place. In addition, Tristan... Tristan was helping Tori and Casi. All together, there were ten werewolves. I knew I should help them fight but I couldn’t figure out which group needed my help the most. Then I heard a growl come from behind me. Make that eleven werewolves.
I grabbed the railing and flipped over it. I landed by Casi. A werewolf jumped at me. I jumped up and grabbed the wolf. I pushed the wolf on the ground and landed on its stomach. I heard a satisfying crack.
I rushed to stand back up. I did not want to be caught on the ground. It is too vulnerable of a position. I realized that even though the wolves had initiated the attack they were on the defensive while we took the offensive, a very bad mistake.
The wolves were backing Casi and me farther into a corner. We needed to get out of there and quickly.
“When I tell you to, jump,” I whispered.
“What,” she asked.
I ignored her question. Our backs were now against the wall. I noticed the two wolves on the side shift their weight.
“Now,” I demanded.
Casi jumped without hesitation. I stayed where I was. Honestly, something was stopping me from protecting myself and made me protect Casi. The wolves jumped at me not realizing Casi was gone. Sharp teeth and claws pierced my skin. I did not cry out nor weep. I fell down under their weight. My head hit the floor. Unconsciousness quickly seeped in.
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I swear if I do not get five new comment I will not write a new chapter. I am not bluffing!