Twisted Up

Cousins and Text Messages.

"So, met any boys yet?"

I gasped "I've only been here for like two hours!"
"Yeah but the boys always manage to find you, you're 'irresistable'"

I laughed at her reference to what my horoscope had said for today.

" I actually did meet a guy…"

I trailed off, she smiled as I looked at Vinny to see if he was listening. He wasn't but there was a couple of kids looking at his booth so just to be safe I 'talked' to her in ASL. 'his name is Pat and he plays drums for the maine' I signed, my hands flying just as fast as my mouth would if I were talking.

"really? That should be interesting since we're sharing a bus with them!"

"yeah I know, guys have made me blush before, its so freaking easy to make me blush. But no one has made me blush by just looking at me. Like guys have done it, but that was because I was looking at them and they caught me staring. But this was different, as soon as we made eye contact I turned bright red. I ran to siah and hid my face in his chest. And that's how you-know who-"

My eyes flickered past Nessa to two girls who were looking at the CD's on our table

"-And I started talking."

Vanessa helped the two girls that were at our table, they bought a CD and a shirt.

"See, I told you. Boys find your blushing insanely cute."

I blushed and covered my face with my hands

"I don't mean to butt in ladies, but I agree. I'm not trying to hit on your because I'm already taken but that was adorable."

"Vinny! Not helping!" I said, my voice muffled by my hoodie sleeves.


Vanessa laughed as I took my face out of my hands. I danced and sang to All Time Low's set as I helped kids buy CDs and whatever they wanted. A few minutes later Bidwell appered from the hallway, kids who were here to see them or didn't care about All Time Low swarmed the boys, asking for pictures and what not. The hall became even more packed when the show was over, poor Vinny was working over time and we weren't busy enough for two people so I climbed over the boxes that separated my booth from his and came to his rescue.

"Thank you!" he said gratefully as I started helping the swarm of people.

If it was possible the room became more caotic as The Maine and All Time Low emerged from the hallway. About an hour later the chaos had subsided and I was back in my own booth packing up and loading things into the trailers parked out back. Vanessa and I were taking the final load out to the trailer singing Disney songs, we kept singing as we made our way back inside the venue when we heard clapping from behind us. We spun around to see Jared and Pat walking towards us. I did a mental groan, I had gotten hot so I took my hoodie off and pulled my hair up into a messy bun on top of my head so I'm sure I look really attractive right now.

"You guys were good." Jared said as the four of us walked into the building

"Ha ha very funny." I said sarcastically

" I mean it. You didn't sound half bad."

We found Colby and the others in the dressing room relaxing Vanessa made her way towards Nate and I sat on Josiah's lap on the couch. Pat looked at me and then looked away, like he didn't want to see me with Siah. After a few minutes we all had to go outside for bus call, all the bands and their crew had to assemble in their busses so we could take off for the next city. I told Siah I would catch up with them in a minute and stopped in the bathroom to use it because I'm sure as soon as we leave everyones going to be needing the bathroom. As I came out of the bathroom I ran into Pat making his way outside.

"Hey Pat!" I said

"Hey.." He looked down at his feet.

"Whats the matter?"
He just continued to look at his feet.

"Can I ask you a question?"


"Are you and Siah…you know…"

"Are Siah and I dating?"


"Hahahah you're funny. Yeah that's deffinitely not the case. Siah is most deffinitly six years older than me which makes it illegal and he's fo sho my cousin."

Pat looked at me and I could tell his mood had picked up.

"He's six years older than you? Woah…so that makes you…"



I laughed at the look of disbelief on his face.

"Yeahh. And that makes you?"


He said…a little too quickly. I looked up at the clear night sky as Pat chuckled

"Wow…now I feel really stupid for thinking that you and Josiah were together."

"Don't, we do almost act like we're dating And sometimes when a girl gets out of hand at a concert or whatever I pretend like I'm Josiah's girlfriend. I've also had to do it for Colby a few times."

He held the door open for me as we entered our bus. Holy crap. There's like, 9 other people on our bus!!! And that's not counting Bidwell and Vanessa! Once they took roll call and figured out everyone was on the bus, we were told we could do whatever we wanted too and I felt to bus jerk forward as It started moving, causing me to bump into the person next to me. Pat.

"Oh! Sorry." I apologized

"It's ok. You staying up for a bit or are you going to bed?"

"I think I'm going to hit the hay. It's like one in the morning."

"Oh, ok. Goodnight!"

I climbed down into my bunk, changed into my pj's and just as I was putting my ipod headphones into my ears, I felt my phone viberate.

*Text Message*
From: Vuhnessuh!
Somebody likes youuuuuuu! ;p
And I think somebody likes him back!

I smiled at the thought that Pat could like me and texted her back.

Nuh uhhh. Do you think he really likes me? I just met him! So you know me…I'm not going to admit it yet because it hasn't even been 24 hrs!!

I heard someone walk past the bunks and open the door to the back room where a few of the boys were playing video games, I flipped my phone open to read my newest text message from V.
*Text Message*
From: Vuhnessuh!
Even if he doesn't realize it, he likes you. I over heard Jared tell him that he thought you were dating Siah, (which would be really really weird!) and he got all bummed because he believed him. I know it hasn't been long but trust me, somethings going to happen!

This message just made the smile on my face even bigger.

He seemed down when we were walking to the bus together and I asked him what was wrong and he asked if I was dating siah and I told him no and he seemed to be happier.
Mayyyyybe he likes me. Who knows. Well I'm going to sleep cuz I'm poopered.

*Text Message*
Who knows? Nessa knows! Hahah
He deff likes you! So that's why he came onto the bus all happy and shit. Lol night love.

I sent her a message saying goodnight and I fell asleep fast and easily.
♠ ♠ ♠
So the first few chapters=filler!hahah
Things will most likely start happening in the next chapter or two.
Comment please!