Twisted Up

Rumor mills&Pink Hair

The Next Day all of the buses had just pulled up to the venue and Everyone was getting off when Pat jogged up to me.

“Do you want to go for a walk? “ Pat asked

I thought about it, debating not whether I wanted to go, but whether I had time before I was supposed to set up.

“Yeah, I’d like that.”

We walked behind the venue and down the street, we discovered a lake only about a block away. And we walked down the shore

“Today is so beautiful!” I said as I looked at the boats speeding by and Pat muttered something.



I smiled and nudged his arm with my shoulder

“Tellllll knowwww you waaaaant too!”

He laughed, “ I was just saying how this day isn’t nearly as beautiful as you.”

I stopped walking a covered my face because I knew I was blushing.

“Haha I knew you would do that. C’mon Paigeyyyy stop blushing”

I couldn’t see him since I had my face covered but I felt him wrap his arms around me and rest his head on mine.

“I can’t help it.”

He laughed “You’re too cute, you know that?”

I felt my face turn back to normal so I pulled away from Pat and looked at him

“Haha yeah right.”

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket I looked at it and back at Pat

“Vanessa” I said as I flipped open my phone

*Text Message*
From: Vuhnessuh!
Heyy, where are you? You and Pat disappeared ;)
We need to set up now. Sorry if I ruined anything.

“I have to go back and help V set up.”

Pat looked disappointed “oh ok. We better turn around then.”

We walked back to the venue in silence, I was disappointed that we didn’t more time alone but I figured there would be other times. Pat and I split ways inside the building, I navigated my way around the venue until I found where Vanessa, Vinny and Marcus (the merch guy for the Maine) were setting up the booths. This was an outside venue so we all had tents. I helped put the tent up and set up the table, kids were starting to wander in as I finished putting the t-shirts on the grid. Since I got to hang with the boys yesterday I let V go find Nate or whatever.

“So….” Vinny said, we were both sitting on our stools

“So…” I copied

“Where’d you and Pat go?” He asked with a mischievous grin on his face

“For a walk, we just walked down the block to the lake. What’s it to you?”

“Well I heard something on the roadie rumor mill….”

“que?” I asked

He laughed because he knew he had my interest now. He helped a couple of girls and then he turned back to me.

“Well…I heard that Pat thinks you’re very pretty.”

I laughed, “Yeah, he told me.”

“He did?”

“yeah. Geez Vinn! You’re like a friggen girl!” I laughed

“Hey…be nice.”

I blew him a kiss “you know I love you!”

He laughed and I just smiled as a girl came up and bought a shirt.

“HELLO NEW YORK!” I heard Alex Gaskarth yell from the stage in the next room. It was two weeks after I had that conversation with Vinny and I was sitting behind the merch table as usual. Pat and I had been hanging out a lot, about every other day we would sit on top of the bus and talk or take a walk, I’d gotten to know him really well and I was starting to seriously like him. Bidwell and The Maine were in the merch area talking with their fans and I kept feeling someone look at me. Every time I looked up, Pat was glancing my way. I would smile and look back down at whatever I was doing. I felt someone tug on my shirt and I looked over and Colby was beside me looking to his right, I followed his gaze and saw Jeffree Starr heading our way. Jeffree has been known to flirt with Colby and make him really uncomfortable so I knew Colby was freaking out. Jeffree came straight up to Colby and started talking to him, I let him flirt for a bit then I decided to rescue Colby. I walked over to him and put my arm around his waist. I had an agreement with Colby (and the other boys in the band) that if a girl or jeffree ever got out of control I’d walk up and pretend to be his girlfriend, I say hello and find an excuse for Colby to leave, he’d give me a kiss on the forehead (at the most! I didn’t want certain people thinking I was a whore) excuse himself and we’d both leave.

“Hey hun, Mikey said to tell you bus call is at midnight.”
Colby Snaked his arms around me “Paige, this is Jeffree. Jeff, this is my girlfriend Paige.”

“nice to meet you.” I smiled at the guy with pink hair.

He said the same thing but with a slight hint of jealousy in his voice. I glanced at Pat and he looked like he had heard Colby. I thought Pat knew me better than that since we had been spending a lot of time together lately. But Pat was always asking if different guys on the tour liked me, which I found a bit odd.

“I don’t mean to spoil the party but I have to go, Colby can you come help me with loading the boxes?”

“Sure Babe, I’ll be right there.”

I looked at Colby as his face neared mine, expecting him to kiss me on the forehead or cheek. Nope. He planted a kiss right on my lips. I had no choice but to kiss him back.

“Bye hun.” I muttered.

I immediately looked to where Pat was standing, he was looking at me in dis-belief, and then he walked away. Oh great. The guy I like thinks I’m in love with COLBY!
♠ ♠ ♠
So I sincerely Aplogize for the lack of updates. I just kind of lost my will to write and update.
But thats changing.
I went over my story and edited it and fixed some parts and now it's much better!
Please subscribe and comment because that lets me know that people are reading and enjoying and that motivates me to update!
So read on :)