Twisted Up


“What the hell was that?” Vanessa hissed at me as she handed a guy a shirt he had just bought.

“Colby is gunna get it. That was all him. You ok here? I need to go find Pat.”

“Yeah, sure. Go get him. Nate, can you help here?”

I walked off in the direction Pat has disappeared, I saw Colby follow me out of the corner of my eye. Once we were out of the venue and in the parking lot he had been calling my name and he finally caught up to me.

“Hey, I’ve been calling your name!”

I glared at him “Not now Colby.”

I knocked on the bus door and the driver Ernie let me in.

“What’s the matter?” Colby asked oblivious.

“What’s the matter? Colby were you not standing next to me three seconds ago!?!?!?”

“What, is this about when we were talking to Jeffree?”

“Do you seriously not know?”

He just looked at me, we were standing in the main area of the bus and I lost it. The small amount of frustration or anger I had towards Colby for the kiss (I would have gotten over it in an hour or so.) acted like baking soda and the fear that I hurt Pat or that he would think I was a two timing whore (not that we were going out but there was definitely chemistry. and vinny’s sources said he liked me) was the vinegar and that last comment had combined the two.

“WHAT THE HELL COLBY!?!?!? Seriously! We agreed you would just kiss me on the forehead or the cheek. NOT stick your tongue down my throat!”

“Hey, I did not stick my tongue down your throat! Jeffree was really creeping me out and so I felt the need to turn it up a bit. Gosh. Get over it.”

“Get over it? Colby!!!!! You know…you know how things are. WHYYYYYY I wouldn’t want you to kiss me or me have to rescue you more than possible. And because of what you did things maybe ruined. And I may have hurt somebody.”

“Oh so that’s what this is about? You’re so pissed off because you don’t want him to know how you feel? God Paige, you’re so stupid! Why don’t you just tell him already, everyone knows you two like each other. All this stupid yelling is about you not wanted Pat to know that you’re pretty much in love with him?” He yelled

His eyes got wide and his gaze drifted over my shoulder as if someone was there. I turned around and I saw Pat standing behind me in the bunk area, looking at us. Instinct said to cry and run. I ran all the way down the street to the harbor. I felt my pocket vibrate

*Text Message*
Where are you?

I sighed as I sat down on the concrete in front of the railing and watched the tide.

I don’t think I’ll be able to come back right now, I’m sorry. I’m all right. Something happened and I just need time to think and calm down. sorry.

I felt really bad about ditching Nessa but I couldn’t face anyone right now. I wanted to be alone. Except for him. If he were here then it’d be all right, he always managed to make things better. But he’s probably not going to talk to me…Tears ran down my face as I thought about how stupid I was for over-reacting, I should’ve just ignored Colby and found Pat and explained everything, but still. I pulled my legs into my chest and hugged them, sobbing into my knees. My phone went off again and I switched it off. I listened to the waves crashing against the rocks below. I had been sitting trying to calm down for about five minutes when I felt someone rub my back

“ Please don’t cry.”

Why was he here? I didn’t think he’d want to speak to me after tonight. Unless…I looked up and Pat was sitting next to me rubbing my back trying to calm me down, which it was working.

“W-why are you here?” I blurted out.

He moved a piece of hair out of my face “Because the girl I’m pretty much in love with is crying. And It breaks my heart to see her sad so I’m going to do whatever it takes to make her feel better.”
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