Twisted Up

Apologys& Early Arrivals

“Paige?” He asked after a few minutes of silence.


“Would you like to go on a date with me?”

I smiled “Yes Pat ,I would love to.”

I turned my head slightly to the left to look at him and his was grinning ear to ear.

“So I think we should Swing by Pinkberry when We’re in the city tomorrow, We get into the venue about three hours before soundcheck.” He said

I made the okay sign with my hand and held it up.

”And as much as I’d like to stay like this, we both need to get back. Bus call should be soon.”

I sighed and stood up. We started walking towards the venue and Pat slyly put his arm around my shoulders, I was grinning like an idiot the whole time. We were turning into the parking lot and I remembered my phone was off. I turned it on and it buzzed over and over again, I had 5 texts, 3 voicemails and 5 missed calls. All of them were from bidwell and Nessa.

“I think you worried them.” Pat said softly as we saw Josiah and Vanessa walk out the back door.

He squeezed my shoulder and smiled at me as he walked off to our bus as Siah ran up and hugged me

“Baby Paigey you had me worried! Where’d you go?”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to worry anyone. I just couldn’t take being around anyone. Did you guys talk to Colby?”

“He said you two fought but wouldn’t say much else. Just that you ran off and Pat followed you.”

I looked down “it’s kind of a long story. I’ll tell it later. Is there anything I need to help out with? I feel really bad about leaving you like that.”

V smiled and Josiah linked his arm with mine

“It’s ok, I totally understand. Besides, Josiah’s new girlfriend was egar to help.”
I looked at him

“Girlfriend? Josiah walker! What have you been hiding from me?”

He smiled sheepishly “She’s not my girlfriend. Just the girl that I happen to like.”

“Awwww Siah’s got a crush!!!!” I teased as he poked me in the ribs

We rounded the corner into the dressing room and I saw Colby. I swallowed and walked over to him.

“Colby? Can we talk?”

He looked up at me and nodded. We walked out to the hallway and I stood there trying to thinking of the right words

“You want to walk to the bus?” he asked, his hands shoved in his pockets awkwardly standing next to me. I nodded and we started walking towards the exit.

“So Colby, look. I’m really sorry I was yelling at you. I shouldn’t have gotten so blown up about everything. I over re-acted.”

He looked at me and smiled

“Well its not all your fault. I should’ve known Pat was right there and he would have seen me kiss you. And I’m sorry I yelled to the world that you love Pat. I shouldn’t have done that.”
I held my hand out


“Yeah friends.”

“Good. I don’t know what I’d do if we were fighting and all mad at each other. I’d miss my Colby Jack way too much.”

He laughed and gave me a hug as we walked on the bus. My smile got bigger as I heard Pat laughing in the back room with his band mates. John Oh came running out of the back room and came and grabbed me.

“Colby!” I shrieked as John grabbed me from the waist

“Nice Paigey. Don’t yell for your boy. Yell for Colby.”

He slung me over his shoulder, Colby slapped my butt and John ran to the back of my bus where the rest of the Maine was.

“ PAT! Make your obnoxious band mate put me down!!!!”

I kicked John and he set me down and I ran and hid behind Pat. The bus lurched forward as we started moving and I flew backwards into the wall and Pat squished me.

“Ah!” I laughed as Pat stepped away from me.

“I’m sorry! Are you okay?” he apologized

I just laughed and said yes and we both started watching Kennedy and Jared play guitar hero. We hung out until about one a.m. and then we all hit the hay.

The next morning I was woken up by the boys running up and down the isle. I rolled over and looked out the window, we were already at our venue (the virgin mega store theatre), I was confused because we weren’t supposed to be at the venue until two in the afternoon. I pulled out my ipod and the display showed that it was eleven thirty a.m. ‘this isn’t good’ I thought. They make everyone get off the bus for the first hour we’re at the venue because they need to sweep the carpet and stuff like that. Ernie was yelling for everyone to be off the bus in five minutes. Crap. I was planning on getting all nice and ready for my date today but obviously that isn’t going to happen. I threw on a pair of jean shorts and the nearest clean shirt (a shirt that read ‘best merch girl ever’, Nessa and I both got them from a fan) and slid out of my bunk. I rushed to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and threw on minimal make-up (foundation, eyeliner, mascara) while trying to put flip-flops on. I grabbed my wallet and cell phone and dashed out of the bus as Ernie started yelling at John and Garrett to ‘get off the damn bus’. I rushed off the ‘damn bus’ and over to where Nessa and Nate were standing with Jared

“Hey guys have you seen Pat?”

V smiled “You look adorable today! I think he went inside to use the bathroom.”

I rolled my eyes “yeah, I’m so incredibly cute because I had like five minutes to get ready. Why are we here so early?”

Jared rolled his eyes, “bullshit. I think you fine. Besides Pat doesn’t care. And the stupid people at Virgin told Flyzik we had to be here at eleven instead of two.”

“Supid people. And I wanted to put a little more effort into what I looked like today.”
Nate rolled his eyes


“You’re such a girl.”

V and I both gasped as we took slight offense to that. V slapped him and I punched his arm.

“sheesh, I’m sorry!!!! I’m going to keep my mouth shut from now on.”

My gaze traveled from Nate to the back door which was opening to reveal Pat.

“As much as I’d love to stay and listen to your funny joke Nate, I have a date.”

Nessa wished me luck as I walk towards Pat.

“Hey!” I said as I gave him a hug

“Hey, you look really good.”

I scrunched my nose up “Well thanks. I wanted to have a little more time to get ready but silly
Ernie kicked me off the bus.”

He laughed “s’okay. You always look pretty so it doesn’t matter to me.”

I felt my face get hot so I buried my face in my hands. I peeked out from behind my hands to see Pat smiling that adorable smile that made my heart melt.

“c’mon blusher. Lets go tell Mike” the Maine’s tour manager “that we’re leaving and then we can hop on the subway.”
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This is a long update :)
pleeeeease comment.