Twisted Up

Rubbish trucks&loud noises

He gave me a quick peck on the cheek, stood up and offered me his hand. I took it and when he pulled me up I pulled myself to him and pressed my lips to his. I just smiled when I pulled away and we started walking back towards the main building. Pat ‘transferred the package’ safely and Zack and I made our way to the main lobby where Vinny, Marcus and V were setting up the tables. Zack hovered near Bidwell’s table as V and I set up. Soon doors were about to open, so Zack ‘transferred the package’ to Vinny.

“ I can’t believe they’re treating you like someones trying to assassinate you.” V said as I dug through a box of shirts looking for a medium.

“ I know! But they’re just being boys. They all feel a need to protect me.” I replied as I handed the girl I was helping, her shirt. She looked at me curiously.

“I know it’s not any of my business but did she just say someones trying to assassinate you?” the girl asked with a shocked look on her face.

Vanessa and I cracked up laughing “No, someone basically tried to rape me-“ her mouth dropped open in shock “but some of the boys from Bidwell and The Maine stopped him. Now every boy on tour is being protective of me, they’re taking shifts babysitting me.”

“We’re not babysitting you, we’re just watching out for you. “ Vinny piped in.

The girl said she thought it was sweet that they were all looking out for me and left. Soon the concert started so the ‘gift shop’ (as Vinny affectionately dubbed the merchandise area) was close to being empty, so Vanessa and I started singing along to whatever song was being played inside at the time. When Bidwell’s set ended they came out and were talking with the fans, The rest of the night went about uneventful thank goodness.
I met Pat back at the bus and both of us were tired so we just climbed into his bunk, put The Office in the dvd player and I drifted off the sleep. Pat wasn’t with me when I woke up about nine but there was a text from him waiting for me in my phone.

From: Pat =)
Good morning J
Interview and photo shoot with a magazine till soundcheck at 5.
so you’re in the hands of Bidwell and ATL today. Be careful babe.
I love you.

I smiled at how protective he was still being, I have a feeling it’s going to be like that until the tour ends.
the ‘I love you’ didn’t surprise me much, we had talked about saying I love you and he understood not to take it personally if I didn’t say it back, he knew that I wasn’t going to say it if I didn’t mean it and for me it was a bit soon to say it but he didn’t think so.

Ok. Have fun today, I’ll see you at soundcheck

I climbed out of my bunk to discover the bus empty so I took advantage of that and got a shower. I hoped that Colby had a mental lapse and I was on my own today to take pictures. Once I had dressed and I dried my hair I walked out to the lounge area to discover Alex sitting on the couch. I looked at him quizzically.

“Bidwell had a radio thing and an instore and Nessie went with them so you’re all mine today my pretty.” He did and evil cackle and I groaned as I put some make-up on.

“Well damn, I’m excited to be with you too.” He said a little hurt

“Sorry, it’s not you. I just wanted to be alone and take pictures all day.” I finished my make-up and put shoes on.

“Well you can be alone with me. I just have specific orders to keep you safe and happy today.”

I rolled my eyes at Colby’s orders.

“ Well let’s start with some food. I’m starving.” I said as I grabbed whatever I thought I might need for the day (keys, money, camera, phone.) off my bunk, stuffed it in my messenger bag and followed Alex out the door.

We walked down the street and decided on IHOP for breakfast. I ordered breakfast and Alex just got a coke as we talked about funny moments on the tour, like when Jack was drunk and started hitting on a mannequin.

“Dude! He totally thought it was real!!” Alex laughed

“Yeah but he was so hammered he would’ve hit on a lamp post. Gotta love jackjack.” I laughed

“So what are we up to today?” he asked as we paid for our food.

“Don’t you have something planned with your bandmates?”

“Paige, we’re in Alabama. What the hell is there to do in Alabama?”

I laughed as we walked back towards the venue.

“Well…I was kind of hoping to go to a park and take pictures. I read that there’s a national park just a bus ride away.”

“Yeah Park!” Alex screamed like a little kid and took off towards the bus stop.

After the short bus ride to the Gracewood National Park, Alex and I found ourselves alone because it was a weekday. It was a beautiful sunny day so I walked around and took pictures while Alex layed in the grass, staring at the clouds. I was trying to make the camera focus on this really pretty orange flower when I heard Alex whine my name.


“Come lay down with me!”

I walked over to where he was, set my bag down and layed down next to him.

“See that cloud that looks like a bunny?” he pointed at the sky.


“There. Right next to the rubbish truck.”

“I think you’re on drugs. And who the heck says rubbish truck?”

“I’m not on drugs. You’re just blind. See? It’s right there. And I’m choosing to ignore the rubbish truck comment.” He took my hand and pointed it to the same spot he had just pointed too.

“ I still don’t see it.”

He let out an exasperated sigh as I heard my phone go off.

‘Because you’re beautiful and you don’t even try, modesty is just so hard to find. I’m speechless, over the edge and just breathless’

“Oh my god. You have a Jonas brothers ringtone for Pat?”

“Shut up.”

I dug my phone out of my bag and flipped it open.

“Buenas dia!”

“Hahaha Hi babe. How’s your day going?”

I sat up so the sun wasn’t in my eyes.

“Good. Alex and I are at the park playing and taking pictures.”

“Is it just Alex?”

“Yes, why?”

“Let me talk to him.”

I frowned and handed the phone to Alex.

“Hey dude what’s up?….Bidwell had some photoshoot……Bro, chill. We’re just at the park.
You know I wouldn’t let anything happen to her.”

He rolled his eyes at me then stood up and walked out of earshot. Pat was probably chewing Alex out for being the only one with me. Alex came back over and handed me the phone.

“Yes?” I said purposely, with irritation in my voice.

“ Paige you know I’m just looking out for you.”

He had read my mind, he knew I wouldn’t be happy with him. That’s why Pat is so amazing , he gets me. That sounds cheesy but it’s true. He can tell how I’m feeling by the sound of my breathing over the phone, one look at him and he knows what I’m thinking. I sighed.

“I know but I don’t want you to be worried about me constantly, I really can take care of myself and Alex does a great bodyguard impression.”

Alex started laughing and I could tell Pat was smiling on the other end of the phone.

“ Yeah, I know. I guess- oh shoot! I have to go. I love you.”

“mmhmm kay bye.”

I hung up as I spotted the two o’clock bus that Alex and I were going to take, coming down the street.

“So what was up with that?” Alex asked as we walked towards the bus stop.

“You know Pat, being way too protective of me.”

I shrugged as we boarded the bus and took our seats.

“Not that, the ‘mmhmm’ you gave the poor dude when he said he loved you. You shot him down big time.”

I glared at him.

“What? It’s not my fault you have your volume turned way up!”

“ That’s what I always say. He knows I’m not going to say I love you unless I mean it.”

“ Yeah but it sucks when you say I love you and it doesn’t come back. It’s like constantly
being reminded that your girlfriend doesn’t love you.”

This is why I love the All Time Low boys, you can have these conversations with them and it’s not completely awkward.

“ I guess it is. I don’t know what’s stopping me, I just can’t bring myself to say it yet.”

I felt like I was being stared at so I looked up and this scruffy almost homeless looking guy was staring at my chest. I shifted uncomfortably as I glanced at Alex and slightly nodded my head in the direction of the homeless dude. Alex glanced at him and put his arm around my shoulders.

“Well you better hurry up and figure out what it is.You obviously love him. Here take my hoodie.”

The hobo was still staring at me and then he did one of those obvious up and down looks and that’s when Alex gave me his hoodie. I put it on and since it was two sizes too big it made me look like I didn’t have boobs so there was nothing for the guy to stare at. I glanced up at the map and saw there was only two more stops until ours. Alex pulled me in closer, protectively but the hobo still didn’t get the hint.

“Ugh pervert. Probably hasn’t had any in years.” Alex growled

“Yeah. Only two more stops.”

I stayed like that with Alex until our stop and we went out the back so the creep didn’t get to check out my butt. We walked to the All time low bus where the rest of Alex’s bandmate’s were.

“Baby Paigey!” Jack yelled as I approached him in the back lounge.

I smiled at him and sat down on the couch and watched whatever MTV made movie was on the TV. I stole the blanket that was behind Zack and curled up with it. The going to bed at one a.m. and waking up at eight or nine was catching up to me and I drifted off to sleep.
I was woken up by Jack jumping up and down going

“Unhhhhhhh. What jack?” I opened one eye to look at him. His face was two inches from
mine. I jumped about two feet in the air.

“God Jack! Every heard of the bubble?” I said as I tried to get my heart to slow down.

He backed away and sat in the chair on the opposite side of the room.

“I’m supposed to watch you because Alex had to go somewhere. But I need to go inside and fix my guitar, so you need to come with me.”

“Ok. I’m sorry I’m such a pain in the butt. It’s all Colby.”

I sat up, fixed my hair and slipped my vans back on and followed Jack out of the bus.

“I don’t mind it, I’m sorry I had to wake you.”

“Don’t worry about it. What time is it?”

“Four fifty. Why?”

I pumped a fist into the air as we walked onto the stage where Jack’s guitar tech Mike was waiting for us.

“ Ten minutes till soundcheck. Today has been a weird day and I’m feeling Pat deprived.”

Jack rolled his eyes and began to work on his guitar. I walked over to where Rian was sitting behind his drums and sat on one of the amps next to him. My text ringtone went off so I pulled out my phone and was concentrating on texting my best friend from back home when all of the sudden A loud noise erupted from the amp I was sitting on causing it to shake violently.

“AH!” I screamed and dropped my phone.

All of the boys that were on the stage cracked up laughing. I spotted Jack doubling over laughing so hard, his guitar strapped around his body. Apparently he thought it would be funny to turn up the amp and strum his guitar obnoxiously.

“What the hell Jack!” I screamed

Of course that made him laugh harder as I jumped down off the amp to retrieve my phone. I picked it up and inspected it I heard Jack talking to someone.

“Dude. You should have seen her face! It was priceless!”

I looked up and Pat and his bandmates were standing by Jack. I instantly turned red and
buried my face in my hands.

“Dude you made her blush!” I heard Kennedy exclaim

“It’s not that hard.” Jack replied.