Status: New (and I would like to think improved) plot line. Updates are coming slowly, but they are coming. Comments literally make my life, so feel free to brighten it with one of yours.

Face Down in the Dirt

Chapter 02

The line begins moving up, and my stomach knots even more. Josh, losing his patience with my slow stroll, pushes me in front of him consequently causing me to stumble a few steps. Grumbles go up in the audience around us, and some of the guys glance surreptitiously at us - checking my status apparently. I bite my lip as the push caused me to roll my ankle again and cringe at the amount of bruising I know I will be faced with tomorrow. Limping now, I make it to the front of the line with Kevin and Josh (and, out of our little party, Melissa). The guard gives Josh the once over before grunting lowly and slapping a bracelet on his wrist in order to allow us into the pit. He motions for Kevin next and slaps a bracelet on his wrist as well, moving him along quickly.

"Gentlemen, please enter." Josh glares at me as if I strapped a sign to my front saying: ABUSE VICTIM; PLEASE SAVE ME. I begin trying to talk to the guard, "I'm sorry, sir, but I'd prefer to go with my boyfriend and friend. I don't know when I'll be able to meet back up with them in the crowd." 

The guard gives me a look, "What I say goes, and the two punks are either entering now, or not entering at all. With or without you on both counts. So please, boys, go on back." I gulp, staring up at the hulking figure of a man, his sheer muscle mass three times the size of Josh's - disregarding his height altogether (which I could put at, at least, six foot six) this man could effortlessly break every bone in my body without batting an eyelash. I lick my lips nervously, wringing my hands over and over and jump while simultaneously yelping as a hand unexpectedly lands on my shoulder. Instinct tells me to cower and curl in on myself so that is exactly what I do as I wrench away, avert my eyes, and tilt my head down to the ground - caught between two men, of which, I can't decipher is the least threatening. 

"Little darlin', this is Eric, I was going to have him take you back to our medic to check out your ankle." The first guard says to me, pity in his eyes. I harden my spine, and stare insolently back at him. "Thank you, it's appreciated, but my ankle is fine." 

"I saw the push; that ankle won't be fine, go with him, get it wrapped, put some ice on it, and then we'll let you go back to the show. How's that?" 

I bite my lip while rolling my ankle to test its endurance, but regret it immediately as pain shoots up my leg. "And if I agree to this...?"

"Well, you'll get to meet the medic you'll be dealing with/managing the rest of the tour, and we'll allow you to go back to the show." 

"How did you... - wait, allow?" I give them both disgruntled looks, crossing my arms over my chest as I try to feign confidence. It melts, of course, the instant Eric even twitches his hand. I whimper out an 'I'm sorry' and duck lower into my body, caving my chest and wrapping my arms around my unprotected middle. 

"Sweetheart, come on, let's go to the back." 

I swallow harshly, my eyes darting around before I slowly nod my head in ascent. "Alright." I turn around to the first guard, regretting that I've a) made a scene and b) held up the line. "I'm sorry. I didn't get your name?"


I chuckle, "Typical bouncer name."

He laughs with me, winking as he sends us on our way. 


Tyler, a meek type of man fresh out of medical school, I don't feel as skittish around, and allow him to roll up my jeans as high as he can (which, isn't that high - maybe mid-calf). He 'tsks' as he sees the damage done, shaking his head at the swelling that has already occurred. 

"This was sprained before." 

"It was," I confirm, pouting when he takes off the heel strapped to my foot. 

He shakes his head, "I knew Amanda said she was getting an assistant, but I didn't know why. Now I see why..." 

"Being a klutz does not qualify me for assistant criteria," he shoots me a look and I shrug it off feigning sudden extreme interest in the way he wraps my ankle. The wrapping is thin so as to allow me to still put on my heels. A sensible man, at least he's not trying to argue with me on that aspect. 

"We'll talk later, okay? I'm sure we'll have plenty of time to bond over the months you'll be on tour with us."

I chuckle, and nod my head quickly, bending down to give him a peck on the temple before I exit the medic bus. I bump straight into Eric's broad chest. He laughs as he stabilizes me on the step and prevents me from falling backwards. 

"Watch it, that first steps a doozy."

I glare at him, "Shut up." Clearly, my glare isn't nearly effective enough as he laughs, throwing a meaty arm around my shoulder. I yelp, cringing as my knees give way from underneath me and I am on the gravel walkway. 

"Jesus, Eric," Tyler growls, kneeling in front of me. 

"I'm fine, Tyler, it's not Eric's fault." I cringe and reach up to make sure that tears haven't rolled done my cheeks or anything just as embarrassing (not that this isn't embarrassing enough as it is). Tyler's hand appears in my line of vision, and I hesitantly reach out to accept it. Tyler might look harmless and unimposing, but he's still male... Biting down on my lip, and realizing that if I'm not helped up I won't get up, I accept the offered hand. His large hand basically encompassing my own as he gingerly helps me to my feet. 

"Sweetheart, what on earth did I do?" 

I avert my eyes, "Has the concert started yet?"

Eric nods slowly, "It has." 

"Can you please take me to it?"

"Of course, I'll lead the way."

Tyler makes sure I'm stable before moving back to his van, shooting us one last glance over his shoulder before closing the door and shutting himself off from socialization.


Before I leave Eric, he manages to lean down and whisper, "Meet at this exact spot ten minutes before the show ends." I make no promises as I melt into the thrumming crowd. I push my way to the front with the knowledge that Josh will hang back close to the bar (and the vulnerable women near it). Hanging onto the bars at the front when I finally manage to get there is almost more of a task than the actual getting there. I am continuously jostled and bumped into, but eventually my body just numbs to to the pain and I am able to enjoy small chit-chat with the young teen next to me. Without Josh at my side like the grim-reaper of death, I am constantly looking over my shoulder to watch my back. 

The lights dim more causing the enthusiasm and excitement in the venue to sky rocket; the chatter picks up and the buzz in the room heightens. Screaming begins as a spotlight sparks to life and illuminates M. Shadow's silhouette on stage. A shrill squeak escapes my lips as I stare dreamily up at the man I've been in love with since I was twelve. Seeing his bulging muscles causes me to want to puke in fear, but the sheer power of his voice drowns me in perfect melodies. The girl that I was sharing conversation with next to me starts jumping up and down, and I link my arms with hers to join her in her fun. 

I laugh jovially as I watch Joleen show me a move she learned just the other day which in turn causes her to bump into another concert go-er.

"Ladies and gents, the concert is almost over. We're sad to go, fuckers, but we have other people to please." M. Shadow's voice washes over the crowd, but the only thing that really catches my attention is the fact he announced the show's end. That doesn't normally happen... I look around for Eric at the sidelines and sigh, watching as he slowly makes his way to where I am standing at the moment. Leaning against the metal bar, he smiles at me with a cheeky twinkle in his eyes.

"Time to go, little girl." 

I pout at him, curling my lips downward. "That's not fair." 

"It's for your own good, let's get a move on." 

"Fine," I say, lifting my arms up for him to grab me and drag me over the bar. 

"Where are they?" I stare at him a moment trying to figure out what he's talking about before realization dawns on me. 

"Everywhere, just grab me." Normally, the words would have had to have been wrenched from my mouth with a crow bar and some hinge oil before anyone could have gotten me to say them to a male. But, Eric seems more like a big teddy bear than anything - especially seeing as he took me to Tyler. He slips his hands underneath my armpits, and lifts. I wince slightly but otherwise don't make a peep. Settling me down in front of him, he examines me critically to make sure that no more bruises have accumulated in the past three hours. 

I smile up at him innocently, before asking, "Errrrrric." 

He gives me a look, "Oh god, my three year old niece does that look when she wants something."

I laugh, batting my eyelashes, "Can I have a piggy back ride?"

Another look, "And thats what she normally asks for." Turning around, he groans. "Climb on up." I giggle and take a leap onto his back. My five foot even frame is not even remotely large enough for him to even feel any weight. "You weigh about as much as she does also."

I scoff in his ear, "I weigh more than a five year old." Making the mistake of glancing up, I catch Synyster Gates' eye as he strums the chords on his guitar. I bite my lip, avert my gaze, and murmur a 'let's go' into Eric's ear. He listens and carries me away from the stage and behind the black curtain that separates the public venue from backstage. 

"Let's get you to your bus with Amanda, she's a sweet girl - you'll both get along great." 

"Awesome, I can't wait." The words are a lie as my stomach fills with trepidation.
♠ ♠ ♠
Look! It's a new chapter (: I'm really enjoying writing this story again. Hah. Anyways, I don't have much to say with this author's note other than please comment and let me know what y'all think of the newest version of this story. I want your honest opinions, please. Thanks!