Status: New (and I would like to think improved) plot line. Updates are coming slowly, but they are coming. Comments literally make my life, so feel free to brighten it with one of yours.

Face Down in the Dirt

Chapter 04

The next morning, I wake up at exactly 7:30 on the dot. Crawling out of the bed, I begin the long, arduous process of applying my copious amounts of make up and finding something to wear. Last night Amanda told me that all of my things were delivered to some storage unit, but that she packed the basic essentials of what I would need on the bus. She also said that there was no real dress code so long as a person could work in it. 

So on that note, I grab my cropped black bustier and the skinny jeans from last night. Sliding into the bathroom, I throw off my pajama top and slide my arms through the shoulder straps of the bustier. Pulling it forward over the neon pink bra I wore last night is a task as my breasts try to fall out on their own. Zipping the front of the material together, they decide to cooperate with me for once. The bustier stops just at the curve of my waist; all the rest of my skin is exposed and shows off most of the tattoos I have followed by a predominant amount of my piercings. Tattoos: I have them everywhere; on my ribcages, on my pelvis, on my back, lapping at my neck, over my shoulders, just, everywhere. Piercings, however, I'm more limited on and only have them in my nose, lip, tongue, hips, belly button, and sternum. I run my fingers through my hair and separate my bangs from the rest of it before pulling it up into a high ponytail. I pull out wisps of curls to frame my face and tossle my fingers through my hair in order to get my bangs to fall correctly before I find my appearance halfway suitable. 

Applying ample amounts of cover-up to my bruises, and then finishing off the look with a small amount of eyeliner around my ice blue eyes and some lip gloss I declare myself ready to face the world.

I grab my old pair of neon green converse high-tops and slide them on my feet as I tumble out the door. Now, to find Eric so he can go in and wake the guys for their interview because there is no way in hell I'm doing it. Going to the guards' bus, I peek around the door without knocking only to be greeted with Eric's bare chest. 

"God, why am I always running into your chest?" 

He chuckles, pulling the door open more and running his hands through his wavy, chocolate brown hair.

"What can I do for you this early in the morning, sweetheart?"

"Go wake up the guys at eight?" I ask timidly, playing with my fingers.

He sighs, "You're going to have to talk to them at some point." 

"Not if I can avoid it." 

He chuckles, bending down to peck my forehead. "Alright, fix me a cup of coffee while I'm waking them up and I'll consider the favor repaid."

I smile up at him, pecking his cheek and hopping over to the coffee maker. "What do you want in it?" 

His laughter bounces around the bus even after he's left.

"You, lil darlin', must be something special." Charles smiles at me from the back, coming to sit at the small round table as he sips his own coffee. 

I shrug my shoulder, smiling at him with a vibrant grin. "I don't know about that, but I do know that man is now wrapped around my finger." 

He chuckles, "Don't sound so smug, darling, it doesn't become you." 

I giggle, pouring the coffee into two mugs and do as Eric requested with one before doing mine. 


"Alright, up, fatasses." Eric yells as he walks down the line of bunks, slapping heads and any other body party he manages to reach. 

"God, where the fuck is Amanda?" Johnny groans. 

"I'm on wake up duty until further notice." 

"WHY?!" Jimmy whines from his bunk. 


Groaning occurs throughout the bus, "'Because' is not a legit reason." Brian groans, crawling from the bed. 

Chuckling, Eric shakes his head and leaves the men to their getting ready process. When he returns to his bus, Gemma is curled up against the wall with a mug in her hands as she chit chats with Charles.

Grabbing the still hot coffee from the counter, Eric scoots into the booth section with Gemma and curls his arm around her shoulder as he pulls her closer to his side. She laughs, but allows him to do so as she continues talking about something-or-another with Charles. Eric is most definitely perplexed by her interactions. Seeing as she has been abused for what he can assume as a better part of her life, she seems to have easily adapted to his subtle touches and acclimated herself to Charles' presence. However, she seems to be terrified when confronted even with the thought of meeting any other male member of the crew minus Tyler and really only speaks with Amanda so far as he's seen.

Gemma pauses her conversation with Charles to announce that she needs to go to the bathroom and that she'll be right back. Eric nods and to avoid getting up, picks her up by the arms and settles her on the other side of the table. Charles is laughing and shaking his head as Gemma shoots him a disgruntled, annoyed look.

"Just because I'm small doesn't mean you have to use it to your advantage."

Giving her a cheeky grin, Eric retorts, "But I enjoy manhandling you so much."

Huffing, Gemma exits the bus with a soft (if that's possible) slam of the door.


"It's because you remind her of someone she once knew. Even she might not know the connection as of yet, but you remind her of someone she once knew."

"Charles, what are you talking about?"

"I could see the questions in your eyes, son, it's because you remind her of someone from her past. She obviously felt very secure with that person, so you're picking up where that relationship ended." 

"So I'm the replacement?" Eric can't decide whether it's a good thing or a bad thing.

Charles lifts his shoulder, "Just be happy you're something." 


I wander the grounds aimlessly, happy that I don't have to worry about running into any rockstars and most of the crew. I called into the catering company earlier and made sure our orders were on time (which they were) and affirmed the address they had as correct (which it was). I did the layout of the stage per usual, and have been basically lazing around since.

I sit down in the concrete weeds again (I love that each venue is an empty and abandoned parking lot), particularly amused by the fact some are tall enough to hide me from view. I pull my pack of smokes from my back pocket and light one up quickly, allowing the smoke to curl around me in tendrils before I start blowing 'o's into the air.

"Holy shit, that's pretty damn cool."

I yelp in surprise and lose concentration as I look up to see who startled me.

"Hello, I'm Jimmy."

Trying to contain my nerves I chuckle with a clearly watery smile. "I know who you are. I'm Gemma."

"Pretty name." I smile my thanks at him as I take another drag from the cigarette. He sits down next to me and I jump at the close proximity. He gives me an odd look, slowly scooting further away.

"Are you the chick that Eric has been following around for the past week with his tongue hanging from his mouth?"

I chuckle, appreciating the space he gave me. "I guess you could say that." 

"The guys and I don't appreciate his wake up calls." 

I mock pout up at him, "I'm terribly sorry." 

He laughs at me, shaking his head. "No, you're definitely not." He leans forward unexpectedly, but the damage is done as I scramble away while curling in on myself with a whimper. He gives me a wide-eyed look before realization dawns on him. 

"Oh my god," he murmurs, staring at me. 

I uncurl, biting my lip before I whisper out an 'I'm sorry'. 

"It's alright," he murmurs back. "I see why you've been apprehensive about coming to wake us up now." 

I gulp, but nod my head. "Yeah." 

"We aren't that kind of group of men, Gemma." 

"I...I know."

He gives me a look, "Do you?" 

"I'm trying to; I'm talking with you, aren't I?"

Shaking his head, he runs his long fingers through choppy hair. "A sneak surprise attack from me doesn't count as attempting to get to know us." He teases. 

I scrunch my nose. "You knew I was out here?"

He gives me a boyish grin, "I had to see where the smoke circles were coming from." 

I laugh softly, stubbing out the end of my cigarette butt on the concrete. "Eric will be looking for you soon." 

"He's already looking for you, but I found you first so I'm kidnapping you onto my bus."

My eyes widen, "No. No. No. No." 

"Oh, come on," he drags out the 'n'. "The rest of the guys are all out and first come, first serve; he's been hogging your attention, and bragging about it since you got here, it's my turn now."

I give him a look while blowing the bangs out of my face, "Eric has been bragging about me?"

"Yes, and now I want you. You're like a little doll." 

I laugh and roll my eyes before climbing to my feet. Jimmy gawks at me as I unfold; my vest hangs open over my cropped white v-neck that is tied in the back to expose my midriff just below my breasts. The shorts I wear showcase toned legs and highlight the nice curve of my ass. 

I smirk at his obvious attraction, "Mr. Sullivan."

"What? Oh, right, I was getting up." 

I chuckle, shaking my head in amusement as he unfolds himself from the ground and bounces on the balls of his feet. We head back together and I try to veer off in the direction of my bus, but am halted by Jimmy jumping in front of me. 

"Nuhuh, I said I was kidnapping you and not letting Eric find you, you're going to my bus." 

"I don't want to," I whine, trudging behind as I follow him across the compound. 

He snorts, "Do you know how many girls would die to be in your position? I'll make a deal with you." 

I perk up at the thought of a deal, "What is it?"

"If the guys come back before I can get you out, I'll hide you somewhere and you won't have to meet them." 

I narrow my eyes at him, but stick my hand out to meet his in agreement. "Deal." 

"Fantastic," he squeals as he climbs the stairs to the doors. "So what movies do we want to watch and what's your favorite junk food?"


I gasp in mock anger as the kernel of popcorn hits my temple. "Jimmy! How dare you start a popcorn war before declaring it with proper rites!" 

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry I don't know the popcorn declarations!" He says sarcastically back, lobbing a handful of popcorn in my face. 

My eyes narrow in his direction before my hand dives into the bowl, "Oh. It's on." 

Twenty minutes later, voices can be heard outside of the bus door and my eyes widen automatically. 

"Shit, go jump in my bunk. Wait. Fuck, you can't get there." He scoops me up in his arms and throws me into a top bunk quickly, shutting the curtain swiftly. I giggle softly as I hear him trip over the back of the couch and land with a large 'oohmph' on the other side. I snuggle down into the sheets, slightly scared of what I might be laying on, but putting the thought out of my mind. What's the worst it could be?

Guys laughter and talk fills the once relatively quiet bus. "What the fuck exploded in here, Jimmy?"

"A popcorn bag?" Jimmy questions in a tone that states that should be relatively obvious. I snort back a laugh again, and burrow deeper into the blankets. 

"Did you have a popcorn war with someone...?" 

"Yes, my imaginary friend." JImmy confirms, sounding completely serious. I bite my lip hard in order to contain laughter. 

"Right. Your imaginary friend." 

Before anyone can say anything else, the door slams open and Eric can be heard. "Okay, look here, Jimmy, you can hand her over on your own accord or I will take this bus by force. You've been hiding in here with her all day, and I want her back." 

Jimmy laughs, "I don't have the faintest idea what you're talking about, Eric." 
One of the guys laugh, "Yeah, what are you talking about Eric?"

Eric apparently ignores the second question, and continues to batter Jimmy. "I want Gemma back, and I want her now."

"I don't have her!" Jimmy shouts. 

"You mean you met the new girl without us?!" 

"I don't even know a girl by the name of Gemma, but if I did I would go out of the back of the bus!" Jimmy yells even more, making it very clear that I am somewhere in the vicinity. I shuffle about and throw something out of the bunk to make it look like I am attempting to get out, but stay put, smug as I watch five different pairs of feet stampede by. 

"Come on, sweetheart, you'll have to come out sometime." 

"Eric," I whine, shoving my head out from behind the curtain. He chuckles, shaking his head as he reaches in and tries to make a grab for me. I squeal and laugh, shoving myself further back into the bunk and play at avoiding his hands. 

"Jimmy! Go lock the guys in the back of the bus, we need to pry Gemma out of your bunk."
With one bounding leap, I can hear the door lock before the banging begins. "Fuck you, Eric! We just want to see her!" 

"She's not a museum exhibit!" He yells back before his hands re-enter the bunk. "Now where the fuck did she go in this small little bunk?" 

I squeal again as his hand slides against my side and grabs onto the bare flesh of my tummy. "AHAH! There she is!"

I try grabbing onto the railing inside of the bunk, but eventually give up and allow him to pull me out laughing and giggling.

"Hi, Eric," I grin up at him, pushing my hair away from my face. He groans and pecks my head,

"Hello, sweetheart, I've been looking for you all day."

I bat my eyes innocently, "Have you?"

He stares at me a moment before centering his glare on Jimmy. "You've turned her to the dark side."

Jimmy acts appalled, "I have done no such thing."

Eric turns back to me, "You are forbidden from hanging out with Jimmy or the rest of them if it makes you act like this."

I full out laugh at him while I throw my arms around his midsection in a hug. "I missed you too, Eric." He chuckles and runs his fingers through my hair before picking me up and slinging me onto his back.

"You're mine for the rest of the night until Amanda comes to get you."

He stalks past Jimmy with a friendly glare. I lift my hand from around Eric's neck and give the 'call me' signal to Jimmy with a wink. The devious smile in return along with the motion associated with texting tells me he'll be communicating with me later. I'm so grateful that I got a new cell phone with this job.

"Jimmy, don't forget to let them out!" Eric calls before traipsing down the steps of the bus and heading directly to his.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry I'm such a terrible author.
You guys deserve this chapter.
I hope you enjoy.

Your comments and thoughts (as well as subscriptions) are always appreciated. I mean that, too. Your comments keep me writing.

And, I'd like to say thank you to every single reviewer that's commented on any one of the three chapters before this one. Each one means a little something different to me.