Sequel: Move Along

Dirty Little Secret

Chapter 11: Stubborn

~Five Weeks Later~

Chuck storms onto the bus and kicks the first thing he sees, which happens to be the couch I am sitting on. I raise my eyebrow at his outburst, but he ignores the gesture and sits down next to me.

“What’s up?” I ask, wondering why he’s so upset.

“Promise not to say ‘I told you so’?”

“Only if you promise to smuggle in some junk food for me,” I reply, half-jokingly. I’m kinda serious, ever since we went to the doctor and they confirmed that I’m pregnant David’s been making sure I eat super healthy.

“I might just do that…” He sighs, shaking his head. “You were right about Ashley; she hadn’t changed.”

I feel my heart sink, even if she was a bitch I can’t help but feel bad for him. I give him a hug. “Chuck, I’m so sorry.”

“I guess I just wanted to believe she had changed because we’ve gone through so much together, you know?”

I bite my lip for a moment. They did go through a lot together... He was even thinking of marrying her. I remember how heartbroken I was when he told me his plans. However two weeks after he told me that he found out she was cheating on him and that was the end of them.

“Yeah… I really wish I wasn’t right. It sucks seeing her hurt you like this.”

“I’ll be fine.” He gives a brave smile. “How have you been doing today?” He asks, putting his hand on my stomach which has already grown a bit. According to the doctor I’m about nine weeks along.

“Eh, morning sickness has been a bit of a bitch. And I’m about to go crazy with David’s idea that I need to be on a super healthy diet.”

“He just wants you and the baby to be healthy.”

“I know, but I just never thought he’d be so…involved in this. All of you guys have been so involved.”

“We just want to support you through this. And you need someone to do it since you aren’t telling the father. Now if we know who he is…”

“I can’t tell him. And since I’m not telling him I’m sure as hell not telling you guys.”

“Why not? I mean, you do know who the father is, right?”

“Yes, I know who the father is. I’m not a whore. I just don’t want to tell him. I don’t think he’s ready to be a dad yet.”

“Who is he?” He asks, this time using the direct approach.

“I told you already, I’m not going to say who the father is.”

He sighs. "Stubborn," he mutters under his breath

I'm about to retort just as Pierre, David, and Seb all come on the bus.

“Hey, guys,” I greet them. “Did you have a good time?”

“Yeah, a pretty good time. Where are Jeff and Pat?” Seb asks.

“Pat’s getting stuff ready for the show tonight and Jeff is talking on the phone in the back lounge.”


“You look like you have something you want to tell us,” I comment, noticing that they all look a bit excited.

“Nah, just something we want to tell Pat and Jeff. It’s stupid, you wouldn’t be interested,” David replies.

“Oh, well, I’ll go get Pat. I can take over whatever he’s doing.”

“You don’t have to,” Pierre says.

“It’s okay; I should get to work anyway.”


I get off of the bus and catch a bit of what they tell Chuck. It sounds like they ran into someone they know. I don’t bother to try to listen to anymore; it’s none of my business.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, I know you guys are probably mad at me, possibly foaming at the mouth, because she didn't tell Zacky. But I have my reasons.

Thanks for reading, commenting, subscribing and all that jazz. You guys are the greatest! More will be up soon.