Sequel: Move Along

Dirty Little Secret

Chapter 12: It's Up To You.

*POV Switch*

I watch Johnny as he gets his ass handed to him playing Resident Evil. It was kinda funny the first three times he got killed; now it’s just getting sad. But I’ve got nothing else to do so I'm stuck here on the bus until we can check into the hotel.

We got to Denver a day early so we have a lot of time to kill. I kinda wish I had gone with Matt, Brian, and Jimmy to look around. I bet it beats the hell out of watching Johnny play games.

“Zacky!” Brian’s voice calls out.

I go to the front of the bus to see that the guys are back from their little expedition. “What?”

“Guess who we ran into!” Brian announces.

“Uh… Hulk Hogan?”

“No. What the fuck would he be doing in Denver?" he asks, acting as if the answer was obvious. "No! We ran into Pierre, David, and Seb.”

My brow furrows. “What?”

“Yeah, they’re here playing a gig tonight.”

“That’s cool. Is that what was so urgent?”

“Yeah, that’s it.”

“Okay…” I trail off, wondering why this was so damn important.

“I told you he wasn’t going to be excited about that, guys,” Matt says.

“Sorry, we thought he would. Guess we were wrong,” Jimmy replies.

I return to the back lounge and sit down on the couch. I stare blankly at the TV screen as Johnny gets killed yet again.

Simple Plan’s in Denver, meaning that Angelica should be here too… But when I talked to Myla it sounded like Angelica didn’t want to talk to me, let alone see me. I will admit it hurt a lot when Myla told me to give Angel some space. As if I wasn’t already. It just reminded me of how much I fucked things up with her. I should have known she was just acting like she was going to miss me.

I open up my cell and look at the picture of her; I still use the defense that I’m too lazy to change it whenever the guys ask me about it. I could try to see her tonight… Or I could just give her space like Myla said…

“Zack,” Jimmy says, popping his head into the room. “Just letting you know that the show starts at seven and they are going to be here for a while.”

“Okay, thanks, Jimmy.”

“And I know that someone on their crew would love to see our show tomorrow night.”

“Really? We should probably invite them,” I reply, knowing just who he's talking about.

He smiles. “It’s up to you.” He disappears down the narrow hallway.

I sigh and close my phone, going back to watching Johnny get his ass killed by a bunch of zombies.
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Okay, I know this wasn't much of a chapter, but it's something. I need filler chapters like these to get the story to where I want it.

And I'm sure you all probably figured out that Seb, Pierre, and Jeff had run into guys from A7x when you read the last chapter. I just thought it'd be nice to give a confirmation to that.

As always, thanks for reading, commenting, and subscribing. You guys are the greatest!