Sequel: Move Along

Dirty Little Secret

Chapter 13: Long Time, No See

*POV Switch*

“Angel, will you take the next customer that shows up? I’m going to be bit tied up here for a while,” Pat pleads as he digs around for the right shirts for a group of young girls.

“No problem.” I reply, standing up from my chair and taking my spot.

I drum my fingers on the table as I wait for someone to come along. The big rush hasn’t hit yet so Pat was letting me take a break. But with the arrival of this group of girls has signaled the impending crowd to come. I look down at my fingers, noticing that I've gnawed my nails to death in the last couple of weeks.

“I’d like a large shirt, doesn’t matter which one,” a man requests.

I think the request is a bit odd, but I go ahead and grab a large shirt. I look up at the man to tell him the total and my heart nearly stops when I meet his green eyes.


“Hey there.” He smiles at me.

“What are you doing here?”

“Matt, Brian, and Jimmy said that they ran into Pierre, David, and Seb today. They mentioned the show tonight and I was hoping you’d be working merch.”

“Wow, I wasn’t expecting you to be here! Why’d you stop by?”

“We’re going to be playing a show here tomorrow. And I heard that you guys were going to be in the city for a little while… I was wondering if you’d like to come to our show tomorrow night.”

My eyes grow wide. An A7X show? I’ve wanted to go to one for years!

“Uh, yeah that would be great!”

His smile grows. “Great! I snaked this just in case you were interested.” He holds out a pass. “It’ll get you backstage and everything.”

“Thanks,” I reply, taking the pass from him.

“I guess I’ll get going. I’ll see you tomorrow night.” He begins to walk away.

He's leaving already? But he just got here!

“Wait, Zacky!” I call out and he turns to look at me. “Are you busy tonight?”

“No, why?”

“You wanna stick around and help me out with some of this merch?”

“Sure, what exactly do you want me to do?”

“Just help me and Pat get stuff and help us with the money. Don’t worry; I wouldn’t put you up front to take orders. I don’t want a riot to start.”

“Okay, that sounds cool. But I doubt I would start a riot, most of these girls probably don’t even know who I am.”

“Sure sure,” I reply sarcastically. How can they not recognize him? Avenged has practically blown up in recent years; even teeny boppers know them. Though it's never been something I've been too wild about. “Pat lets me take off when the guys play so you can come with me when I watch the show in a while.”


“Pat, Zacky’s going to help us out. Is that cool?”

“Yeah, the more the merrier.”

The rush hits and I thank God that Zacky’s been recruited. Having an extra set of hands dealing with merch and handling with money was a Godsend.

The crowd finally dies down as fans disappear to catch the show. There will only be a few people coming out to buy stuff because they don’t mind missing the opening act. Pat assures us that he can handle them and Zacky and I head backstage.

“Do you wanna catch the opening act or do you just wanna hang with the guys for a bit?”

“Let’s see the guys. I haven’t seen them in a while.”

“Alright, follow me.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Three chapters in one day! I hope you liked them. And I know she hasn't told him yet, but I hope you guys aren't too mad at me for that.

Thanks for reading, commenting, and subscribing, you guys! I know I always tell you that you guys are the best, but I only say that because it's true!